
Service account being created twice

stevefan1999-personal opened this issue · 3 comments

# Source: td-redis-operator/templates/operator-rbac.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: td-redis-operator
  namespace: kube-system
# Source: td-redis-operator/templates/operator.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: td-redis-operator
  namespace: kube-system

td-redis-operator/templates/operator-rbac.yaml already has been deleted in the version 0.2.0
update it and test again?

still have this problem

[root@paas-m-k8s-master-1 ~]# helm install -n td-redis tongdun td-redis-operator/td-redis-operator --set type=cluster
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /root/.kube/config
Error: serviceaccounts "td-redis-operator" already exists

My mistake caused the wrong package to be used