MQTT: missing image/title on webstream assigned (custom) Tonies
ks61625 opened this issue · 2 comments
Whenever I place a (custom) tonie on a box, with radio-web-stream assigned, mqtt points to default "teddy" picture. Although there is a record in tonies.custom.json with an available image-source path, it wont get transfered via mqtt.
I guess it has to do with the missing "audio_id" in tonies.custom.json. Since the audio_id seems to change every time you place the webstream-tonie on the box, there is no chance to define one in tonies.custom.json.
So...maybe mqtt should use the path directly (if there is one), instead of using a maping by audio_id (just guessing)??
Also: sensor.box_content_title shows just "Unknown". It should be the title or series defined in tonies.custom.json as well, I guess.
Could you maybe use "StreamTitle" from the ffmpeg output as title?
Could you maybe use "StreamTitle" from the ffmpeg output as title?
This is not possible, as we do not have that within teddyCloud.
We need two separate blocks: One for the model selected, one for the actual content.