
Get sponsored by Vercel

Closed this issue · 0 comments


  • The project should be non-commercial.
  • The project should be open source.
  • The project's usage should fall under fair use.
  • A Vercel banner should be present in the footer of each site page. (#136)
  • A Vercel banner should be present in the source repository's file.
  • All links back to Vercel should use a UTM tag with the format: ?utm_source=[team-name]&utm_campaign=oss.


  1. Verify that all sponsorship criteria above are met.
  2. Verify that you need this sponsorship plan. Our free tier is generous and can handle most small projects.

Explain why we need it

  1. Send us an email at confirming all sponsorship criteria was met and explain why Vercel's free tier is not enough for your project. Include your Vercel team name and a link to your open source repo in the email.

Email content
