Are you using claudb? Please tell me how!!
tonivade opened this issue ยท 7 comments
tonivade commented
If you are using claudb, It would be awesome if you tell me how you are using it.
- Environment: testing or production
- Purpose: cache, redis integration tests, realtime analysis...
- Which features are you using: lua scripting, persistence, off heap cache, keyspace events...
- Which features do you miss: geospatial searches, some command or data type ...
If you want to help me, please write a comment to this issue with this information.
Thanks a lot!
chenjianboKeyboard commented
yes , junit test
mionker commented
A junit and a automated integrated test with Apache Camel.
24kpure commented
codemonstur commented
Currently working on setting up automated tests for a webapp that normally uses Redis.
mionker commented
Used it for automated tests of a Redis based Apache Camel RoutePolicy.
giddyhut commented
I am using it with Redisson client for unit/integration tests
24kpure commented
I am using it with Redisson client for unit/integration tests
Just try