Javascript SDK for TVM blockchains (Everscale, TON, Venom, etc)
- 0
"code":"ERR_DLOPEN_FAILED","message":"/lib64/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found
#578 opened by bryanRRRR - 1
- 0
Eversdk/lib-node certificate expire error
#572 opened by tktrev - 0
- 0
- 0
eversdk.node is not a valid Win32 application
#562 opened by shravanandoria - 0
eversdk.wasm bandwidth consumption
#561 opened by shravanandoria - 0
SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
#560 opened by shravanandoria - 2
Deno runtime support
#501 opened by awnion - 1
Error: sendMessage: Keystore not found
#535 opened by shravanandoria - 0
Add ability to install eversdk/lib-web package without running postinstall scripts
#506 opened by awnion - 2
fail on build example
#465 opened by ilyar - 6
Weird error (can't be represented as a JavaScript number) on tvm.run_executor
#325 opened by pertinaxwallet - 2
Keypair derivation from secret key works wrong
#230 opened by pavlovdog - 1
[TypeScript] AbiData: key type
#224 opened by velialiev - 2
Local js application
#215 opened by qwertys318 - 1
- 2
node-gyp should be installed before cargo run (win32)
#184 opened by d3p - 2
TestsRunner does not show progress of tests, shows broken result and freezes at the end (Windows)
#199 opened by ch1seL - 1
@tonclient/lib-web browser cache of tonclient.wasm
#182 opened by qwertys318 - 1
- 1
- 0
console.log which cannot be turned off
#164 opened by RTSTALER - 0
Error during call of client.contracts.run
#163 opened by Pafaul - 2
Call of `convertAddress` method with Cyrillic (also Chinese) symbols lead to a crash on mobile devices
#91 opened by savelichalex - 1
keyPair seems to be ignored
#1 opened by koinov