
Revise Button behavior

boerge1 opened this issue · 6 comments

Proposal: change the button behavior the same as the fork of Thomas-Lehnert:

three Button
                                                      vol/next-prev inverted
           admin-menu  idle        pause       play         play
pause      select                  play        pause        pause
pauseLong  end adm     shutdown    shutdown    track#       track#
up         next                                next         vol++
upLong     next 10     shortcut2   shortcut2   vol++ cont.  next
down       prev                                prev         vol--
downLong   prev 10     shortcut3   shortcut3   vol-- cont.  prev
updownLong             shortcut1   shortcut1

five Button
vol/next-prev inverted has no effect for 5 Buttons

           admin-menu  idle        pause       play
pause      select                  play        pause
pauseLong  end adm     shutdown    shutdown    track#
up         next                                next
upLong     next 10     shortcut2   shortcut2   next 10
down       prev                                prev
downLong   prev 10     shortcut2   shortcut3   prev 10
updownLong             shortcut1   shortcut1
four       next                                vol++
fourLong   next 10                             vol++ cont.
five       prev                                vol--
fiveLong   prev 10                             vol-- cont.

comments are welcome

edit: changed table above according to comments on
edit: changed table again (add continuously increase/decrease volume if long press)
edit: implement shutdown on pauseLong (the shortcut is now on updownLong

Made a first implementation on branch 'issue_028'.

I tried that but I wish we had
3-btn, not inverted:
Play upLong vol++ cont. and Play downLong vol-- cont. (see #24 and d75ada2#r90991535).

Created pull request #30

vol/next-prev inverted has no effect for 5 Buttons

Should the respective section be removed from the admin menu then?

I tried that but I wish we had 3-btn, not inverted: Play upLong vol++ cont. and Play downLong vol-- cont. (see #24 and d75ada2#r90991535).

Oh, you already did that, I didn't notice until I just tried to change the behavior. 😆 Maybe you should say so in the comment.
Ah, no, I flashed the wrong branch.

Pull request #30 is merged