
cast to smaller integer type 'unsigned int' from 'Reachability *' [-Wpointer-to-int-cast] NSStringFromClass([self class]), (unsigned int) self, [self currentReachabilityFlags]];

insinfo opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm getting this error when compiling a flutter app for ios, with the latest version of macos/ios/flutter

/Users/insinfo/Desktop/MyProjectsFlutter/appsescverao/appsescverao/ios/Pods/Reachability/Reachability.m:465:63: warning: cast to smaller integer
    type 'unsigned int' from 'Reachability *' [-Wpointer-to-int-cast]
                                 NSStringFromClass([self class]), (unsigned int) self, [self currentReachabilityFlags]];

Any updates?

Has this problem been solved?