

Opened this issue · 8 comments

Would it be possible to get a function to create subfolders?

That would be more complex, the code base isn't really setup for it, but it might be possible in a future release.

Could be interesting continuing using Miller Columns (no tree expand/collapse)

I use folio every day, and really think that a third level (Group of folios), could be a first basic efficient step forward
(maybe sufficient for everyone ??).
So the left panel would have 3 levels : groups of folios, folios, notes.
With the directory Point of View corresponding to Folders / Subfolders / Notes.

Thanks for understanding this practical need.

Agreed that a hierarchy is needed for the folio's, just not by splitting it out into multiple columns. I'm thinking more of a tree structure at the moment, but haven't actually started working on anything.

At my point of view, the millers columns access gets the whole power of folio because of very fast finding and opening the right file.

Taking a higher point of view, I think folio could be a more generic app :

  • left panel : miller's column file browser (3 or 4 columns with horizontal scrollbar)
  • right panel : editor for ascii (txt) and md files, preview for other files type (pdf, html, png, jpg ...)

In brief, a merge of actual folio app and, mac OS finder like, fm app ( : try it to see)

Thanks for your understanding.

I don't see Folio going in that kind of direction, the reason I like it is that it's simple and to the point. It's a MD note taking app... that's it.

So while I agree that subfolder support should be added, I don't think expanding it's feature set beyond what it is makes sense in that light.

Subfolders would be very nice. That would basically make Folio comparable with tools like Obsidian, only much more lightweight and simple. I would love to see that.