
Selectors inside a resolver, as args alone might not be enough to key

tim-field opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey I've posted two dumb issues today, lets go for three. ;)

Is this on the right track?

const entitiesSortedSelector = createCachedSelector(
  (entities, sortBy, sortOrder) =>  
     orderBy(entities.toList().toJS(), getSortIteratee(sortBy), sortOrder);
)((state, { path, sortBy, sortOrder }) => {
  const entities = entitiesPathSelector(state, { path }); 
  return `${entities.hashCode()}:${sortBy}:${sortOrder}`;

I initially hoped that the resolver function would recieve the same args as the resolved function ( issue #2), if it doesn't then I really want to check that I'm dealing with the same entities collection here ( path param alone isn't enough )

Is the code above a correct path to take ?

The resolverFunction receives the same arguments as the final selector function (and as reselect's inputSelectors, too).

In your example, the resolverFunction:

(state, { path, sortBy, sortOrder }) => {
  const entities = entitiesPathSelector(state, { path }); 
  return `${entities.hashCode()}:${sortBy}:${sortOrder}`;

...should receive the same arguments as entitiesPathSelector, sortBySelector and sortOrderSelector.

Back to your example, it looks ok: you've got reselect's inputSelectorsand resultFunc and re-reselect's resolverFunction in place.

Just check that resolverFunction arguments the same as entitiesPathSelector, sortBySelector and sortOrderSelector.

(re-)reselect API's are quite hard at first sight.

Thanks for putting this library together, its working well!