
Feature OnMouseOver or specific classname when it is selected

c0ncentus opened this issue · 2 comments

What is the current behaviour?

poor UX when bar is selected (only shift or color change)

What is the expected behaviour?

Have possibilities to make border brightness when is selected.

Some Other possibilities

Make available some specific classname when it is selected . So we can make style on our own.

Hi @c0ncentus,
the library doesn't expose class names by design. Specific segments can be styled through segmentsStyle prop by providing a function.

i try

segmentsStyle ={()=>{return {boxShadow: "inset 0px 0px 60px whitesmoke, inset 20px 0px 80px #f0f, inset -20px 0px 80px #0ff, inset 20px 0px 300px #f0f, inset -20px 0px 300px #0ff, 0px 0px 50px #fff, -10px 0px 80px #f0f, 10px 0px 80px #0ff"} }


segmentsStyle ={()=>{return {boders: "20px crimson solid"} }

I test to add direcly on "< path >" element and didn't work too : /