
Bad display on Edge / Firefox

slumbering opened this issue · 6 comments

When the Pie is animated, the drawing part is not properly display on Firefox and Edge.

Screenshot_2019-09-02 Storybook


  • Version: 5.0.0
  • Platforms: Firefox Quantum 68.0.2/Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0
  • Subsystem: Windows 10

Hi @slumbering , thank for reporting.
Can you confirm that there is no issue when animation is disabled?

I confirm that when animation is not enable the pie is correctly displayed. Thanks

I still haven't had the possibility to test on Windows, but the only solution I see is to cleanup the properties responsible for the animation when this is completed. Which is maybe a good idea no matter the bug.

Here is the PR. Feel free to try it out and let me know.

I can reproduce the issue on Windows 10/Edge but it doesn't seem to be related with animation (even though the animation blows up the visualisation).

I couldn't reproduce on Widows 10/Firefox 68, instead.

For Edge I don't see any possible fix: the browser doesn't accurately render svg path strokes nor stroke-dasharray style prop which are the foundation of react-minimal-pie-chart render strategy.

I could reproduce on iOS Safari (13.3.1), but only with animation = false. The stroke-dasharray/offset appended for animation seem to fix the render issue for this browser.

Update 15/02

It seems that Safari has some CVG rendering issue when stroke-dasharray = none. Setting it to any value (eg. actual segment length) fixes the issue. 😕

Merged into #129