
Remastered Battle Particles

Opened this issue · 5 comments

This requires some explanation.

Battle particles in Pandora (Schmooze, Legalease, etc.) are all at the same resolution in Spotify as they are in the released phase files. A restoration of these to be as accurate as possible would not be impossible to do...but none of the fonts have been documented and I've been unable to find a 100% identical match.

If anyone has any leads on any of the fonts, please let me know.

The Legalese font appears to be DFPSoKaiSho-W7 (though, I did try DFGKaiSho-Lt with bold text) which is found in DFKai3.ttc

DFGKaiSho-Lt (bold):




Original image from:

Unfortunately, I don't think there is a font for any of the Schmooze attack words (Even though I used the word "GENIUS!" in this example, it should apply to the rest of the words) because none of the font lettering matches the fonts in Spotify's Fonts (though it could be a handwritten or otherwise modified version of any of these fonts):

  • DCGInline-W5 for the closeness of the lettering
  • HGHeiseiMarugothictaiW8/HGPHeiseiMarugothictaiW8 with a thinner font weight
  • DFMaruMoji-SL
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the G by using this font and by rotating and squishing the letter in "GENIUS!"
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the U by using this font and reducing the width of the letter
  • DFKyoGeki-W7
    • This seems to be the font is the closest to resembling the attack but it is hard to tell with the various small differences in the image and font (like the lack of a stem in the letter G in "Genius!", the font thickness (which could be chalked up to the program they used let them smoosh the letters together), the exclamation point being more rounded compared to the one in the font, etc.
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the E in "GENIUS!" by using this font then flipping the letter 180 degrees, squishing the letter, erasing the part of the tie that extended beyond the N, and rotating the ear in two places.
  • D F POPコンW12
    • This has the font's lettering style pretty close to but again not a perfect match to the word "GENIUS!"
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the N in "GENIUS!" by flipping the N along the vertical axis
  • DFGLeiSho-SB
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the I in "GENIUS!" by applying some rotation
  • ImpressBT was also sort-of close to being close but unless the font-weight was reduced, I do not think it works as well as the others.
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the S in "GENIUS!" by using the lowercase s instead of uppercase and lengthening the height of the letter in "GENIUS!"
  • DFGCraftYu-W5
    • I was able to get a close match on the lettering style for the ! in "GENIUS!" by adding slight rotation to the letter!


Original image from:

I will reiterate that the SCHMOOZE attack is NOT perfect at all as you can see below but it should give you a good lead for the fonts!




I actually have most of these ready, but a couple of them are missing. Schmooze is completely lost though.

Yours is close, but off by a lot.

(Please note: Blah is temporary)

Alrighty! I was unaware it was something you were still working on but I figured I would at least attempt to help!

What fonts were they? 👀