Opened this issue · 1 comments
Workerman[think] stopping ...
PHP Fatal error: Declaration of think\worker\Application::runningInConsole() must be compatible with think\App::runningInConsole(): bool in /www/wwwroot/ on line 107
Fatal error: Declaration of think\worker\Application::runningInConsole() must be compatible with think\App::runningInConsole(): bool in /www/wwwroot/ on line 107
worker[notify:4182] exit with status 64000
worker[Register:4314] exit with status 256
Declaration of think\worker\Application::runningInConsole() must be compatible with think\App::runningInConsole(): bool
Exception trace:
() at /www/wwwroot/
think\initializer\Error->appShutdown() at n/a:n/a