
Feature request: toggle Github Actions split window

Closed this issue · 3 comments

So far gh-actions.nvim provides command :GhActions and a key mapping <leader>+gh, which is nice. But it seems that I have to focus the split window then :q to close it. Similar plugins will provide a toggle command to turn it on and off, and use the same key mapping.

Is this a desirable feature to implement? 😄

Seems like this would be a common pattern and desired feature, yes!

I'd be open for a PR which implements this with an explicit vim command.

One of these two ways I'd gladly accept:

  • Add a new GhActionsClose or GhActionsToggle command
  • Extend the existing GhActions command to accept subcommands like open, close, toggle

In the meantime, if you use lazy, you should be able to implement this in your plugin spec like this:

  keys = {
    { '<leader>gh', '<cmd>GhActions<cr>', desc = 'Open Github Actions' },
    { '<leader>gc', function() require('gh-actions').close() end, desc = 'Close Github Actions' },
  opts = {},

Ah, nice! I didn't realize how to get the window (i.e. require('gh-actions')) for closing.

I've set this to <leader>gq as gc conflicts with my telescope git commit search, and it seems to work!

I added subcommands to the GhActions command to toggle/open/close.

See the README for usage.