
[release] Mob tp skills that cause sleep incorrectly cause sleep before damage instead of after

Closed this issue · 8 comments

  • I have searched existing issues ( to see if the issue has already been opened
  • I have checked the commit log to see if the issue has been resolved since my server was last updated
  • This issue occurs on release branch (if other branch, please specify)

Additional Information (Steps to reproduce/Expected behavior) :
Not sure how many of these are effected but I'm working on it. To easily reproduce, fight a mob with one of these skills (like an ochu), after locking them into only being able to use that skill (ochu = Sweet Breath). When the sleep finally sticks, the damage caused by the skill will immediately wake up the targets that were hit. It's simply a problem of functions being called in the wrong order. I opened this for tracking purposes.

Fixed Sweet Breath. Working on looking through all the affected skills.

Not sure what you're getting at with that link.

testing kartstrahl, pinecone bomb, and cyclone wing.

It's supposed to damage then sleep, it currently is bugged like sweet breath.
I'm sure pinebomb bomb and cyclone wing are the same.


Note this won't work for older servers using the old core. Your only choice is to get updated. There IS NO script only fix for you if you are on the old core. Period.

All testing is done, all 4 mentioned mob abilities are now functioning the way they should be locally. Teo submitted PR for this already, so we're just waiting on the merge.

PR #2664 solves this, I'm closing this issue.