
Challenge checklist

Opened this issue · 1 comments

lstkz commented

Many challenges are missing basic information. In Code, some things are obvious for some members, but other members miss it. In UI prototype, the specification reviewer always asks about the same things.

We can create a common checklist that is included in every challenge.
Example questions and answers:

  1. What's the technology stack?
    React and Redux.

  2. Are there any specific standards required?
    No specific guide. Follow general best practices from ES6, React and Redux.

  3. Are there any code quality tools required?
    Use eslint, and annotate your code using flow.

    or if we update an existing project:
    Check readme how to run eslint and flow checks.
    You are not allowed to disable rules globally without confirmation.

  4. Are unit tests required?
    Not needed.


    Implement unit tests using mocha.

    Not needed, but existing unit tests should still pass.

  5. Is video or DG required?
    Create a short video and describe configuration and deployment steps in

Additional questions for UI prototype:

  1. What are browser requirements?
    IE11, Edge, Chrome, Safari, iPhone, iPad

  2. Is responsive layout required?
    Use 3 breakpoints

    • mobile
    • min-width: 800px for tables
    • min-width: 1300px for desktop

    Use "mobile first" approach.

  3. Are image sprites required?
    Use sprites or inline images.
    Describe used tools in

  4. How to mock data?
    Do not hard-code any data in components.
    Create a MockDataService that will provide all data.

A clear challenge spec prevents members from asking too many clarifications in forums -> Reviewers won't waste much time to understand what's going on and what has been changed during submission phase.

Also many appeals are because reviewers may have missed a clarification made in forum and scored down for something they shouldn't.