- 3
Support for Coda 2
#281 opened by rahoulb - 0
Add cmd + num shortcuts for quicker opening
#256 opened by jmazzi - 7
No longer works
#246 opened by xnzac - 23
Fails on Emacs 24
#290 opened by fullofcaffeine - 0
PeepOpen doesn't open in emacsformacosx
#295 opened by EDmitry - 28
Support TextMate 2 (no plugins available yet)
#272 opened by dmilith - 7
Where is PeepOpen?
#294 opened by jordwalke - 3
Doesn't work in Lion
#263 opened - 3
Does not update with newly created files.
#293 opened by Stevancw - 0
weird missing folder error
#292 opened by genseric - 0
PeepOpen window slow to open
#291 opened by elben - 5
- 1
Support for iTerm2 / VIM
#289 opened by espett - 0
Feature request: default to last search
#288 opened by akahn - 3
Using .git to determine search scope
#278 opened by fonnesbeck - 3
reindex new files on textmate
#284 opened by louman - 0
Doesn't work with Vundle plugin manager
#287 opened by robbles - 5
Support for Chocolat Text Editor
#286 opened by nesquena - 4
- 2
Failure to recognize some folders
#283 opened by patseng - 1
Should refresh file hierarchy automatically
#249 opened by thomasdarde - 6
Downgrading from TextMate 2.0 causes issues
#273 opened by RobertLowe - 1
Change git binary location
#276 opened by ngocphamm - 4
- 0
- 6
implement motion keys to match application?
#270 opened by fncll - 3
Favor exact match
#277 opened by jlecour - 2
Command-line interface
#279 opened by jdelStrother - 1
Create file if not found and ability to move files
#275 opened by mwean - 2
- 2
ns-pop-up-frames not working in Cocoa Emacs
#271 opened by magnars - 1
PeepOpen eat my RAM
#264 opened by releu - 2
Dont work with TextMate project
#266 opened by releu - 4
Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap
#269 opened by HashNotAdam - 1
Job appears to have crashed: Abort trap
#268 opened by dimension27 - 0
IntelliJ IDEA Support
#267 opened by idris - 5
Opens in Textmate when launched from MacVim
#262 opened by hoverbird - 0
Files Don't open as part of the Project anymore
#265 opened by rishav - 2
Option to ignore symlinks?
#261 opened by jdelStrother - 2
- 1
[PATCH] MacVim Tab support
#259 opened by borgand - 2
- 10
Broken with saved TextMate projects
#250 opened by indirect - 0
Optimizing results sort operation
#258 opened by drslump - 0
Optimization using Bloom Filters
#257 opened by drslump - 1
Git information not shown in 0.3.5
#255 opened by drslump - 1
Terribly annoying delay
#252 opened by mhenrixon - 0
- 1
Scripting error with BBEdit
#251 opened by jezdez - 2
Fails to open on BBEdit 9.6.3 under Lion
#247 opened by alletti