
There are 51 repositories under 1337cursus topic.

  • achrafelkhnissi/CPP_Modules

    The goal of these modules is to introduce us to bject-Oriented Programming.This will be the starting point of our C++ journey.

  • Wadie-ess/Transcendence-PongGame

    Final Common Core Project at 1337 - 42, That's is About Creating a Pong Game With Realtime Chat System

  • Abdeljalil-Bouchfar/CPP-Modules

    42 CPP-Modules explained, explanations of all the concepts and some helpful resources.

  • 48d31kh413k/1337-minitalk-42

    Small data exchange program using UNIX signals.

  • abdelkarimhajji/web-server

    ๐ŸŒ The 42 Network WebServ project teaches students how to make a web server. They learn about how the internet works and how to handle requests from users. By building their own server, they learn valuable skills for creating websites. #LearnToCode #WebDev ๐Ÿ”ง

  • achrafelkhnissi/1337-norm-checker

    The norminette checker is a tool that helps you find norm errors in your C files.

  • achrafelkhnissi/webserv

    webserv is an HTTP server capable of handling multiple clients simultaneously using C++, Socket programming, and CGI.

  • 48d31kh413k/1337-ft_printf-42

    This project is pretty straight forward. We will recode printf. Hopefully we will be able to reuse it in future projects without the fear of being flagged as a cheater. We will mainly learn how to use variadic arguments.

  • mmakboub/MiniShell

    This project is about creating a simple shell. Like an own little bash. The main goal is to have a good understanding of process creation and Handles running commands, redirections, pipes, environment variables, signals and command history just like in bash. using the C programmming language.

  • 48k483x/42_CURSUS

    ๐Ÿš€ 42 CURSUS : A coding odyssey featuring algorithmic wonders ๐Ÿง , web wizardry ๐ŸŒ, and game development quests ๐ŸŽฎ. Dive into my journey of mastering code and exploring creative realms.

  • Abdeljalil-Bouchfar/42-Projects

    A list of All projects completed during my journey at 1337 (42 Network)

  • Abdeljalil-Bouchfar/Inception_101

    This project aims to broaden your knowledge of system administration by using Docker. You will virtualize several Docker images, creating them in your new personal virtual machine.

  • ayoub0x1/C-Piscine-june-2021

    Here you can find all the projects that I validated during my Piscine at 1337 School.

  • marbenMB/Cpp_Modules

    Cpp_Modules to learn C++ and OOP.

  • whoismtrx/42_push_swap

    Push Swap is a 42 curriculum project that involves sorting a stack of numbers using a limited set of operations. The goal is to arrange the numbers in ascending order on one stack while using the other stack for temporary storage.

  • 48k483x/42_POOL-PISCINE

    Dive into the code ocean ๐ŸŒŠ with the 42 Pool repo ๐ŸŠโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’ป: your ultimate guide to coding excellence ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ปโœจ!

  • achrafelkhnissi/ft_containers

    Implementation of a few container types of the C++ standard template library.

  • achrafelkhnissi/ft_transcendence

    ft_transcendence is a web application platform for users to play Pong with others in real-time multiplayer online games. The project includes features such as user authentication, user profiles, a chat system, and game functionality.

  • mamoussa405/Inception-Of-Things

    This project is a comprehensive guide to setting up and managing Kubernetes clusters using Vagrant, K3s, K3d, and Docker.

  • marbenMB/NetPractice

  • qbornet/printfTester

    printfTester for 42 project

  • eel-moun/CPP-BootCamp

    This is a bootcamp made of 10 chapters with a purpose of introducing oop programing and c++ features

  • Hamaarour/minishell

    This project is about creating a simple shell - essentially, my own little bash. Through this project, I've learned a lot about processes and file descriptors.

  • marbenMB/Cub3d

    This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. It will enable you to explore ray-casting. Your goal will be to make a dynamic view inside a maze, in which youโ€™ll have to find your way


    NetPractice is a general practical exercise to let you discover networking.

  • whoismtrx/42_Philosophers

    In the 42 philosophers project, the goal is to develop a synchronization mechanism that enables a group of philosophers to share limited resources while avoiding issues like deadlock.

  • alouane04/Custom-HTTP-Server

    Start on a web development journey with Web App, crafting a Pong contest site. Experience real-time multiplayer Pong, chat functionality, and user customization. Utilize NestJS, TypeScript, and security measures for a seamless and secure user experience.

  • alouane04/Stack-Sorter

    This project challenges you to efficiently sort data on a stack using a limited set of instructions and minimizing the number of moves. Explore and implement various sorting algorithms to find the best solutions for optimized data sorting.

  • badreddinkaztaoui/get_next_line

    The get-next-line function is a custom implementation of the C standard library function getline. It allows you to read and parse a text file line by line, regardless of the line length. This is useful when working with large files or when you need to process a file line by line.

  • Elhazin/C_POOL_1337

    ๐Ÿ“œ The story begins here; this is the first time I've truly laid my hands on a keyboard

  • 48k483x/WeatherNow

    ForecastFrenzy: Where โ˜€๏ธ meets โ˜”๏ธ and dances with ๐ŸŒจ๏ธ for a wild weather adventure

  • aymenssf/So_Long_42

    This project brings a fun and quirky twist to the classic Solong game built for the 42 Network. Your objective? Help a mischievous shark collect soccer balls, dodge pesky monkeys, and ultimately escape!

  • eel-moun/Networking-Practice

    this project is an introduction to networking.


    transforming from c to c++

  • salmane10/MiniTalk

    The purpose of this project is to code a small data exchange program using UNIX signals

  • salmane10/PUSH_SWAP

    Because Swap_push isnโ€™t as natural
