
There are 7 repositories under 3d-camera-control topic.

  • freshfork/p5.EasyCam

    A p5.js library for easy 3D camera control.

  • diwi/p5.EasyCam

    A p5.js library for easy 3D camera control.

  • alejandrodlsp/Unity-Camera-Follow

    Easily customizable camera follow system for a 3D platformer for the Unity Engine. Features hard and soft follow zones for follow target, an independent virtual camera with its own follow parameters that controll dead zones for height follow, and a radius and follow speed to the camera rig.

  • m-sef/godot-3d-camera-shake

    Minimalist Camera3D script with realistic camera shake and interpolated rotation.

  • waleedhossam-se/3D_Visualisation-LEC_7

    Creation of 3D-wheel lookalike shape and giving the ability to user to move the whole scene by camera.

  • jwdunn1/p5.EasyCam-archive

    A p5.js library for easy 3D camera control.

  • waleedhossam-se/3D_Visualisation-LEC_9

    Creation of Sine wave and two 3D-wheels lookalike shape and animating them through the sine wave then, zooming out by the use of camera and giving the ability to user to rotate Sine wave and even moving the scene by camera.