
There are 34 repositories under 3d-slicer-fork topic.

  • commontk/PythonQt

    CMake-ified version of PythonQt

  • commontk/DCMTK

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream DCMTK git repository.

  • Slicer/VTK

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream VTK git repository

  • commontk/zlib

    CMake'ified zlib

  • Slicer/ITK

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream ITK git repository

  • Slicer/BRAINSTools

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream BRAINSTools git repository

  • Slicer/teem

    Slicer fork of teem library - Official repository is hosted on SVN: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/teem/code/teem/trunk

  • commontk/bzip2

    CMake'ified bzip2

  • KitwareMedical/Slicer

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application that will eventually be contributed back

  • Slicer/jqplot

    :warning: OBSOLETE | Fork of jqplot from https://bitbucket.org/cleonello/jqplot to support patches for Slicer4

  • Slicer/libarchive

    Multi-format archive and compression library

  • python-cmake-buildsystem/libffi

    A portable foreign-function interface library.

  • KitwareMedical/CTK

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • KitwareMedical/diy

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • KitwareMedical/iMSTK

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • KitwareMedical/ITK

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • KitwareMedical/LookingGlassVTKModule

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back.

  • KitwareMedical/netgen

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • KitwareMedical/VTK

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • KitwareMedical/VTK-m

    Fork to maintain topics specific to @KitwareMedical projects like Slicer Custom Application or Extension that will eventually be contributed back

  • Slicer/actions-codespell

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream actions-codespell git repository

  • Slicer/cppzmq

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream cppzmq git repository

  • Slicer/curl

    Curl is a tool and libcurl is a library for transferring data with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, GOPHER, TFTP, SCP, SFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS, FILE, IMAP, SMTP, POP3, RTSP and RTMP. libcurl offers a myriad of powerful features

  • Slicer/itkMGHImageIO

    Fork used for historical reference and to ensure older versions of ITK and Slicer can be built.

  • Slicer/jsoncpp

    A C++ library for interacting with JSON.

  • Slicer/lib_lzma

    A general purporse LZMA2 data compression library

  • Slicer/numpy

    ⚠️ OBSOLETE | WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream numpy git repository

  • Slicer/opencv

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream opencv git repository

  • Slicer/opencv_contrib

    Repository for OpenCV's extra modules

  • Slicer/setuptools

    ⚠️ OBSOLETE | Slicer fork of Setuptools build system

  • Slicer/SimpleITK

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream SimpleITK git repository

  • Slicer/sofa

    Fork to maintain topics specific to the Slicer-SOFA extension that will eventually be contributed back.

  • Slicer/SofaPython3

    Fork to maintain topics specific to the Slicer-SOFA extension that will eventually be contributed back.

  • Slicer/tclap

    WARNING: This is NOT the official upstream tclap git repository
