
There are 18 repositories under 3nf topic.

  • rahul1947/Database-Design-Pharmacy-Management-System

    Designed and Developed a comprehensive Database Management System for a modern Pharmacy.

  • caesarmario/database-bookstore-case-study

    A case study about designing simple database system for a bookstore. This repository contains ERD design and SQL codes for design of bookstore database system. The main purpose of this system is to build database system for bookstore.

  • polakowo/yelp-3nf

    3NF-normalize Yelp data on S3 with Spark and load it into Redshift - automate the whole thing with Apache Airflow

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12303
  • HondaPL/Normalization

    Program which normalize relation scheme to 3NF.

  • Kakalinn/BerNF

    A tool for database analysis

  • FawadJawaid/database-design-of-graphics-design-school

    In this project, we are designing the database for the Graphics Design School named ‘Nexus’. A proper methodology of database systems has been followed starting with designing an ER Diagram for the database till the normalization of the schema till 3NF.

  • forum-bhatt/Ecommerce-Sales-Operation-OLTP-DB

    Designed conceptual data models using Entity Relation Diagrams wrt Business Rules. Implemented Data dictionary, CRUD, Views, Triggers, Stored Procedures and Privileges and analysed data using Plotly in Python and Google data set for dashboards

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • masumKazibd/hotel-Booking-System

    The System designed in 3NF, comprises entities such as Guests, Rooms, Bookings, and Updates. It optimally organizes guest reservations, room availability management, payment handling, and improves customer experience with real-time updates and personalized services.

  • mithildani/WolfMedia

    Database design for a Spotify like music and podcast application based on given business requirement

  • star-sniper/DBS201

    Final Assignment for DBS201(Summer 17)

  • tinyHiker/SQL_Rental_Database_Design

    Designed a SQL Database/Schema for a Car Rental System. It was created on an Oracle 11g Database. The project features Entity-Relationship Design, Functional Dependency Theory, 3NF/BCNF principles, SQL Code, Bash Scripting

  • anamarijapapic/pis-seminarski-zadatak

    Seminar task from college subject SQL Practicum. App that finds primary key candidates and handles database normalization - decomposition to Third Normal Form and Boyce-Codd normal form. 🔑

  • dosbolacademic/Normalizating-Tables

    Developed a program that Generates SQL Statements to Check Normalization in One Table and Normalize It If Needed. [Python and PostgreSQL]

  • idelfonsog2/pslq-data-modeling

    In the following application are given directory paths of where the client-side system is storing data files based on a music application product. I analyzed the data, build its entities and form the basic link between them. The analytics team is particularly interested in understanding what songs users are listening to

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • mohith10/HouseBoat_Management_System

    SQL file for HouseBoat Mnagement System-Normalized-All features-Queries

  • RammySekham/dml-pagila

    3NF conversion to dimensional modelling and OLAP operations, Advanced SQL queries(DML)

  • raphaelbs/ff-database

    Generic database model that fits any business. 3NF. Used in ff-core and ff-main projetcs.
