
There are 9 repositories under 6dof-robot topic.

  • Walid-khaled/6DOF-Robot-Trajectory-Planning

    In this repository, trajectory planning for a 6DOF manipulator is implemented. Synchronization and numerical control are applied. In addition, propagated error in end-effector position is calculated. Finally, polynomial trajectory and trajectory junction are solved. The repository is also a solution for Assignment3 in Dynamics of Nonlinear Robotics Systems course for ROCV master's program at Innopolis University.

  • Walid-khaled/6DOF-Robot-Dynamics

    In this repository, dynamic model for 6DOF robot is derived using Euler-Lagrange approach. Inertia matrix, Coriolis matrix, and gravity vector are calculated. The repository is also a solution for Assignment4 in Dynamics of Nonlinear Robotics Systems course for ROCV master's program at Innopolis University.

  • jacobsayono/6dof-kinematic

    6 DOF Robotic Arm (C++)

  • Inverse-Kinematics-6DoF-PUMA-GUI-Python


    Software to provide a GUI as an interface between the user and the base driving program, comes with forward and inverse kinematic scripts and a sexy GUI.

  • tushgaurav/EliteEC-SDK

    Python SDK for Elite Robots EC Series Collaborative Robots

  • Martin-Ansteensen/steppper-robot-arm

    A six degreees of freedom (6DOF) robot arm able to locate objects and pick them up. Uses an Arduino Mega with a Ramps 1.4 shield to control 5 stepper motors, 2 servos and some switces. A Raspberry with a PiCam is used for the object detection.

  • JayshKhan/5-1DOF_kinematics

    Forward and inverse Kinematics of 5 DOF + 1 Gripper DOF of ROT3U Robotic Arm

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2110
  • yspkm/iklib

    6DOF Inverse Kinematics Library with Modified Denavit–Hartenberg parameters for efficient and quick (less than two clock_t on average) calculation of 6-free variables from 6-input variables, 28-DH parameters (25+3 dummy), 3-frame-change parameters to change into modified DH-frame, and first-three- angles-finding subroutine, with all of them adjustable.

  • faizal108/6DOF_Robot

    This repository contains the source code and documentation for a 6-DOF robot control system. The system is designed to control a robotic arm with six degrees of freedom, providing precise and versatile motion capabilities. This project is aimed at robotics enthusiasts, researchers, and developers interested in building and experimenting with 6-DOF.
