
There are 10 repositories under acled topic.

  • akshayakp97/TL-DR

    An end-to-end event extraction and summarization system.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook21112
  • project_floodlight


    Crisis incidents caused by rebel groups create a negative influence on the political and economic situation of a country. However, information about rebel group activities has always been limited. Sometimes these groups do not take responsibility for their actions, sometimes they falsely claim responsibility for other rebel group’s actions. This has made identifying the rebel group responsible for a crisis incident a significant challenge. Project Floodlight aims to utilize different machine learning techniques to understand and analyze activity patterns of 17 major rebel groups in Asia (including Taliban, Islamic State, and Al Qaeda). It uses classification algorithms such as Random Forest and XGBoost to predict the rebel group responsible for organizing a crisis event based on 14 different characteristics including number of fatalities, location, event type, and actor influenced. The dataset used comes from the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) which is a disaggregated data collection, analysis and crisis mapping project. The dataset contains information on more than 78000 incidents caused by rebel groups that took place in Asia from 2017 to 2019. Roughly 48000 of these observations were randomly selected and used to develop and train the model. The final model had an accuracy score of 84% and an F1 Score of 82% on testing dataset of about 30000 new observations that the algorithm had never seen. The project was programmed using Object Oriented Programming in Python in order to make it scalable. Project Floodlight can be further expended to understand other crisis events in Asia and Africa such as protests, riots, or violence against women.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7203
  • chris-dworschak/acled.api

    A small package to access the API of ACLED and retrieve conflict event data. IMPORTANT: the dev version is maintained on my GitLab page.

  • JayeshSuryavanshi/Social-Unrest-Prediction-NLP

    Social unrest is hypothesized to exhibit patterns, which if detected early can facilitate mitigation efforts. This real world task introduced us to the task of identifying and predicting social unrest based on NLP and ML methods. This task consists of 3 subtasks revolving around information extraction, summarization and event prediction from text.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5300
  • jeremy-allen/getACLED

    an R function to ingest ACLED event data using jsonlite for ingestion and data.table for processing

  • mianzg/victim_counts

    Code repository for the EACL 2023 long paper Extracting Victim Counts from Text

  • panchicore/es-acled

    Elastic search index for the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED) from Asia and Africa in the same Elastic Search index.

  • antoniosfiala/ACLED_vis

    HTML and JS project visualising ACLED data using MapBox for @UCL course 'Digital Visualisation'

  • Fazazhar/Diplomacy-Lab-Dashboard

    Diplomacy Lab Dashboard: Visualizing Global Displacement and Conflict Data with ACLED and UNHCR Refugee Datasets using R Shiny.

  • Ruthik27/GeoInsight-Global-Conflict-and-Crisis-Mapping

    Developed a real-time geopolitical event analysis platform, showcasing skills in competitive analysis and industry research, relevant to understanding the financial impact of climate risks at a property level.
