
There are 63 repositories under adafruit-neopixel topic.

  • rnauber/ESPHomeMatrixLED

    ESPHome LED Matrix Demo

  • ArminJo/NeoPatterns

    Patterns for NeoPixel strips and matrixes including the patterns of the NeoPattern Example by Adafruit.

  • eighthree/Simple-LED-Strip-Controller

    ESP8266 Based LED light strip controller via a web browser

  • outofambit/easy-neopixels

    NeoPixels! but easier. Beginner friendly functions to control Adafruit NeoPixels, using as simple syntax as possible.

  • T-vK/LedStripSimulator

    Simulates an LED strip and allows very NeoPixel-like access

  • dmadison/FastLED_NeoPixel

    An Arduino library for using Adafruit NeoPixel library animations with FastLED

  • rmptxf/NeoController

    A project that uses the nRF52 to control a neopixel (ws2812b) over BLE using a custom mobile app built using the ionic framework.

  • sosolimited/MIT-Illuminations

    This open source application takes P5 code and visualizes/outputs it to various professional and hobbyist lighting units, making creating light shows easy and accessible.

  • redchenjs/neopixel_led_controller_max10

    NeoPixel LED Controller | NeoPixel LED 控制器 | 基於MAX10 FPGA的音樂全彩光立方LED控制器

  • william-stearns/trinkeypass

    Adafruit Neo Trinkey password safe

  • LindseyB/magic-crystal

    A crystal for the on-the-go witch

  • fschrempf/py-neopixel-spidev

    A Python module to interface addressable WS2812 (aka NeoPixel) LEDs via the SPIdev driver in Linux

  • livejs/frankenjs-2017

    Resources for the talk "{Live:JS}“ in Nürnberg, 13. February 2017

  • ZulNs/Arduino-RC-Car-Lighting-System

    Arduino sketch for RC Car Lighting System (ATmega328P based only)

  • TheDeadGuy/ledvis

    Led music visualizer experiment

  • ben5en/RPI_mqttClient_OpenHAB2

    Script for temperature reading and WS2812b handling via MQTT in an openHAB2 environment

  • MBizm/Catatumbo

    Catatumbo is an Adaptive Smart Home Lightning project that lets your home indicate information of relevance for you. It aims to build up light components (led strips) that are distributed across the appartement. Each device being addressed via network or KNX in the future. While each device can foresee a different scene, in special cases they can also act together - e.g. for indicating an alarm situation in the whole appartment. Special focus is on adaptive lightning scenes which indicate real world information via color codes - e.g. stock prices, weather forecasts, social media states. Just by having your hall stand illuminated in bright blue may indicate that you better take the umbrella along. Let yourself be dragged into the fascination of Catatumbo - Happy weather watching!

  • Pyro2266/bublight

    Light up your hookah with a Raspberry and a neopixel ring!

  • livejs/dotjs2016

    Sam's and Tim's talk for dotJS 2016

  • CytronTechnologies/Adafruit_NeoPixel

    Arduino Library for RainbowBit - Serial RGB LED

  • splinedrive/fpga_neo_pixel

    My approach is using a SPI to collect 24-RGBs-Strips-Data and a SYNC from a impeded SoC. Another approach I came up with is to reuse the Adafruit-Neopixel-Library. I attached my FPGA_NeoPixel.h file. Technically it inherits from Adafruit_NeoPixel and overwrites the void show() with SPI-Code so you are able to use the methods from Adafruit_Neopixel to set leds or calculate color spaces. I have tested it on an Arduiono-Nano but it is easy to port the Libs to other SoCs.

  • zachnicoll/light-box

    A 3D-printed "Light Box" lamp that can change colour and brightness. Made for @cassiagulley.

  • Chris-Johnston/PatioLightsClient

    The client Arduino program for the Patio Lights project.

  • Daedalus-Robotics/avr_vmc_2023_status_lights

    Ros2 node for controlling status indicators

  • GeorgiZhelezov/arduino-msgeq7

    A guide on how to create your own flashy graphic equalizer with two MSGEQ7s and Arduino

  • giulic3/long-distance-lamps

    NeoPixels lamps powered by two Raspberry Pis communicating over the Internet

  • IamDaleon/Automate_Pantry_Light

    Upon moving into my home and realizing that the pantry has no light. As a programmer, I leaped into action and created and automated light, so you wouldn't have to remember if the pantry light has been left on or not.

  • IranNeto/RGB-bluetooth-bedsideLamp

    A small DIY project of a RGB bedside lamp

  • luxTx/Codeweek_LedPanel_Esp32_iOS_and_Android

    Code for a Led-Panel based on a Esp-32 controllable with your mobil device by bluetooth | Adafruit, RemoteXY

  • oguzhanagkus/pixelstick

    Light painting tool with addressable LEDs

  • PicoPixie/H2G2Bag

    Displays Twitter stream for user @H2G2Bag using ESP8266-01, Adafruit Neomatrix.

  • serkanMzlm/OpenCV-Adafruit-NeoPixel-Control

    Controlling Adafruit NeoPixel lights using data captured from a camera with Python and OpenCV.

  • LED-Light-Wall


    The code and documentation that we have for our LED light wall project.

  • zachzion762/lunchbox_watchdog

    Lunchbox Watchdog. LEDs turn on whenever the area around Big Chungus is pressed.

  • zyltr/asynchronous-neopixel

    A MicroPython project demonstrating how to control NeoPixel LEDs asynchronously

  • QC20/HeartSense

    HeartSense is an interactive LED ring that visually represents your heartbeats in real-time. The LED ring blinks to your heartbeats and displays the current BPM (beats per minute) using both numerical values and color-coded illumination.
