
There are 11 repositories under adcp topic.

  • sebastianmenze/Processing-and-analysis-of-large-ADCP-datasets

    This document will guide you through the steps necessary to process and analyse both vessel mounted (VM-ADCP) and lowered acoustic doppler current profilers (L-ADCP). Both are complex data sources that contain a lot of noise and potential biases, but dont despair, with todays programms and code packages anyone can work with this data and produce meaningfull results.

  • IOS-OSD-DPG/pycurrents_ADCP_processing

    For processing raw ADCP data in Python using the UHDAS pycurrents package

  • Slocum-AD2CP


    A package for processing Nortek AD2CP data on Teledyne Webb Research Slocum gliders.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook9200
  • iml-gddaiss/magtogoek

    Magtogoek is a Linux python package and command line application (CLI) for processing ocean data. At the moment, only Accoustisc Doopler Current Profiler (ADCP) data can be processed. This package is developped by the Scientific Advice, Information and Support Branch at the Fisheries and Ocean Canada Maurice-Lamontagne Institute.

  • NortekSupport/coordinatetransforms

    Matlab scripts for coordinate transforms on data from Nortek instruments.

  • callumrollo/adcp-glider

    Work in progress! Process data from Seaglider 1MHz Nortek AD2CP

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4312
  • JGradone/Glider_ADCP_Real_Time_Processing

    Real-time processing of glider ADCP data

  • plot_socib_rv_adcp


    The plot_socib_rv_adcp is a set of python scripts and functions developed at SOCIB to manage the data collected by a VM-ADCP mounted onboard the SOCIB Research Vessel. They are able to plot the main variables (including QC variables) stored into the SOCIB netcdf files and plot them over the time dimension

  • hhourston/mooredDataProcessing_adcp

    Processing package for moored ADCP data sets developed at BIO, adapted for raw ADCP data sets developed at IOS

  • DavidVadnais/codas3_wsl_instructions

    CODAS (Common Ocean Data Access System) installation guide with Windows Subsystem Linux (WSL). Unofficial support.

  • cmunozmas/sections_adcp

    This set of Matlab scripts allow processing Teledyne ADCP data exported as mat files according to pre-defined sections in a separate xlsx file.
