
There are 17 repositories under advanced-mathematics topic.

  • Yoget/Tongji-University-Advanced-Mathematics


  • AXYZdong/AMchat

    AM (Advanced Mathematics) Chat is a large language model that integrates advanced mathematical knowledge, exercises in higher mathematics, and their solutions. AM (Advanced Mathematics) chat 高等数学大模型。一个集成数学知识和高等数学习题及其解答的大语言模型。

  • Yoget/Tongji-University-Linear-algebra


  • nicoguaro/AdvancedMath

    This is a repository with material for the course Advanced Mathematics for Engineers

    Language:Jupyter Notebook417013
  • enginestein/Mathian

    A library to perform mathematical tasks

  • Dashon-Hawkins/computer-science

    :mortar_board: Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!

  • quiver-bee


    A rewrite of the Quiver frontend to use Bootstrap CSS so that it can be used as a diagram editor on all platforms having a web browser.

  • taylorrodriguez/rref-calculator

    This reduced row echelon form (RREF) calculator can receive matrices up to a size of 7 rows by 7 columns. It will take a user specified matrix size and inputs then output it in RREF. In mathematics, solving a matrix and transforming it into RREF is essentially solving a system of linear equations. This has many use cases in advanced mathematics across several disciplines such as finance and differential equations. This project was created using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

  • FrancisGrace/Math-Lab

    Sources of math homeworks , written in June 2020

  • Lemniscate-SHA-256/Project-Dirac

    Dedicated to exploring and understanding fascinating mathematical concepts that go beyond the basics. Whether you're a math enthusiast or someone looking to deepen your knowledge in intriguing areas of mathematics, this repository aims to provide resources and insights into the most captivating topics in the field.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • nAuTahn/Books-for-Computer-Science

    Essential Books for Computer Science

  • udaisharma99/Falling-into-a-Black-Hole

    This project investigates the nature of black hole singularities and the fate of an infalling observer. We explore the existence of strong and weak singularities, challenging the prevailing notion of a singularity as an unavoidable annihilation point.

  • FarhadiNia/Presentations

    Presentation to All :)

  • CompxCLib


    Complex Complete Library, a feature rich complex numbers library for Kotlin and Java

  • Nilusche/Fourier-Transform-PNG

    Simple Fouriertransformation on 50x50 RGB Pictures

  • Optimized-Brain/Scientific-Calculator

    A Scientific Calculator with Graphing and advanced mathematical calculation capabilities
