
There are 31 repositories under african topic.

  • dsfsi/masakhane-web

    Masakhane Web is a translation web application for solely African Languages.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3672015
  • Odusanya/African-Countries

    A simple library of all the countries in Africa and their country codes in JSON format.

  • CodeForAfrica/africanCOMMONS

    africanCOMMONS is a platform to showcase re-useable tools built across Africa and the people & organisations building them. Accessible at

  • Sankofa-Display


    Sankofa Display is a typeface that draws inspiration from African art styles, with a focus on straight-line geometric designs.

  • dilane3/tundah-app

    Tundah is a web platform where are published information on how wedding are organized in Cameroon. It's an academic project.

  • patrickojeh/nigerian-geopolitical-zones

    A lightweight library containing data for all Nigerian geopolitical zones, states, coordinates, population and other related data in JSON format.

  • inidaname/africandevs

    Curated list of African Developers around the globe

  • Billions94/The-Pillar

    Tech stack: Typescript, AWS amplify, GraphQL, DynamoDB & React

  • dsfsi/za-bank-risk

    This repository is an initial pipeline for reading, processing, labelling and classifying unstructured annual reports of South African (SA) banks with the aim of identifying financial risk. It leveraged work by the Corporate Financial Information Environment-Final Report Structure Extractor (CFIE–FRSE) of El-Haj et al. which created a corpus of annual reports of United Kingdom (UK) companies.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • african_attire_detector


    This repo is made public for my article in Analytics Vidhya. Using deep learning and picture classification, we created a working prototype for fashionistas in detecting African Attires. The objective is to carry out a comprehensive machine-learning demo utilizing a scenario of a real-world issue.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • mandeebot/Berom_Speech_Dataset

    This repo is a work in progress, building a Speech corpus for Berom, a low Resource language in Plateau State Nigeria

  • DonLeeCreative/black-lives-matter-font

    I preserve the Black Lives Matter message by turning physical murals into digital fonts: Black Lives Matter Font. Therefore, Nn one can deface the movement.

  • OpenGovAfrica/open-data

    Overview of available datasets and how to use them.

  • umaryusuf/foodcatalog

    Online cuisine for African food lovers

  • AfricanBongo/umuzi

    A Bulawayo city tour app built in Flutter, also using BLoC architecture and Google Places API

  • cryptososso/AkokoAmedon

    Site web artiste peintre togolaise Akoko Amedon

  • geoffrey-odari2/AkanNames

    Akan Names is site for displaying Akan tribal first names based on their birthdays

  • Akan-Names


    This is a simple website developed using HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming languages. It provides and interactive field that its users can get to fill in their data and get an akan name computed for them.

  • NancyWachiuri/akan-name

    This application gives the user an Akan name based on their birthday.

  • OpenGovAfrica/citizens-forum

    A place for citizens to discuss and share ideas outside of discord and our other social media pages

  • OpenGovAfrica/national-gov

    Overview of national government activities.

  • OpenGovAfrica/state-gov

    Overview of tracking state government activities, setup instructions.

  • Skillupwithkahdsole/SUWK

    A Fashion Tech Social Enterprise

  • hmhard/nuso-apps

    The Mobile app repository like Google play store to allow local publishers to freely publish their app without paying subscription fee

  • holyaustin/galleria-fi

    First African SocialFi Museum tourism for preserving the African heritage through story telling

  • ma-za-kpe/Kiteng3

    Kiteng3 Android UI Concept Design

  • Nathalieelizabeths/myliputa

    SafiTenge is an informational website designed to attract more customers to my mother's tailoring shop. The website displays a diverse collection of Ankara designs offered by SafiTenge Tailoring Shop.

  • OpenGovAfrica/protest-tracker

    Collect and safeguard information about protests, including participant details, to ensure safety and accountability.