
There are 6 repositories under africanlp topic.

  • afrisenti-semeval/afrisent-semeval-2023

    AfriSenti-SemEval Shared Task 12: Sentiment Analysis for African languages :

    Language:Jupyter Notebook473140
  • dsfsi/masakhane-web

    Masakhane Web is a translation web application for solely African Languages.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3672015
  • dsfsi/vukuzenzele-nlp

    The dataset contains editions from the South African government magazine Vuk'uzenzele. Data was scraped from PDFs that have been placed in the data/raw folder. The PDFS were obtained from the Vuk'uzenzele website.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook60224
  • dsfsi/gov-za-multilingual

    The data set contains cabinet statements from the South African government. Data was scraped from the governments website:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook4380
  • dsfsi/izindaba-zesizulu

    Categorised isiZulu News. Source data is the isiZulu news from the SABC social media posts.

  • ndamulelonemakh/our-stopwords

    Auto-generated stopwords for South African Bantu Languages
