
There are 27 repositories under agregation topic.

  • sundowndev/phoneinfoga

    Information gathering framework for phone numbers

  • Naereen/notebooks

    :notebook: A growing collection of Jupyter Notebooks written in Python, OCaml and Julia for science examples, algorithms, visualizations etc

    Language:Jupyter Notebook12593245
  • Dont-Copy-That-Floppy/pyPhoneInfoga

    A branch of the original PhoneInfoga to keep using python

  • mrbontor/mongo-pagination

    Nodejs & MongoDb (Native Driver) Pagination

  • Naereen/Tiny-Prolog-in-OCaml

    A tiny implementation of a small subset of the Prolog language, 🐫 in OCaml. With small and fun examples.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5411
  • agregador-fc


    Site para agregar e comparar times em cada rodada do Cartola FC

  • ITurres/oop_school_library_2

    💎 Simple ruby app to manage school library.

  • Naereen/Bibliographie-agregation-maths-option-info

    Mes recommandations pour les livres pour bien préparer l'agrégation de mathématiques ( en option informatique. Maintenue depuis 2014, version 2021 !

  • Naereen/Perspectives-carriere-enseignement-informatique-en-2021

    Si vous êtes intéressé-e par l’informatique, en particulier par l’enseignement de l’informatique, et les perspectives de carrières que l’on peut choisir dans cette voix, alors je vous conseille les documents suivants. Écrit en février 2021

  • Naereen/fix-iocaml-notebook-exports-to-pdf

    Small :snake: Python script to fix a :camel: IOCaml notebook to have a clean export to PDF (include output values AND types) :wrench: :notebook:

    Language:Jupyter Notebook330
  • xfzhang-zoey/DataAnalyst_P3_Python_SQL

    Constitution de dataframe, ainsi que transformation, agrégation, filtrage et calcul

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2100
  • damareszsouza/Exercicio-8-em-Java

    Construtores e Agregações Exercício replicado do livro Tutorial de programação em Java e Orientação a Objetos

  • Gabriel-Lucena/PTBPABD

    O componente curricular aborda conceitos para a realização de um projeto e implementação de banco de dados relacional. Além disso, o componente curricular aborda conceitos e práticas de administração de bancos de dados relacionais, formas de consultas em bancos de dados e uso de linguagem de manipulação de definição e manipulação de dados.

  • joaovitorcidralv/Ultimate-Fighting

    Simulação de um jogo de luta em Java


    Template latex pour l'épreuve "Mise En Perspective Didactique" de mon dossier de recherche.

  • ioanachivu/LibraryApp

    One of my first rather complex application, it manages books from different domains and the readers, keeps an up-to-date list of the books that were not returned on time

  • luisfelipe7/CPP-Review-With-GCC-StartUML

    C++ review implementing multiple Data Structures and Algorithms.

  • royce76/bnf_poo

    This project in object-oriented programming is an appetizer to better understand the use of objects in objects. Uses only two entities and we realize that it is not maintainable.

  • SerhiiNikif/advanced-auth-pagination

    Rest API with authorization (access, refresh), pagination, activation by mail, aggregation, sorting, conversion Uploaded by Vercel 😎

  • Agregation


    Site web me permettant de partager mes ressources consacrées à l'Agrégation de mathématiques.

  • TheoNiv/cpp_insa_4eii

    INSA Rennes 4EII cpp Labs

  • dpoliwhi/Library

    Implementation of library with books and visitors and their interaction

  • idelfonsog2/pslq-data-modeling

    In the following application are given directory paths of where the client-side system is storing data files based on a music application product. I analyzed the data, build its entities and form the basic link between them. The analytics team is particularly interested in understanding what songs users are listening to

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • KalimeroMK/RssFeed

    This package provides an easy way to parse RSS feeds and save them into your application. It provides features like fetching the entire content of an RSS feed, saving images found in the feed items, and getting full content of each item in the feed.

  • vladutmargineanu/Sheriff-of-Nottingham

    Homework for the Object Oriented Programming course @ ACS, UPB 2018

  • williankeller/compress-and-aggregate-css-js-with-php

    Compress and aggregate CSS e JS with PHP

  • wololobzh/CollectionsFonctionsAgregation

    Exemples simples d'utilisation de fonctions d'agrégation sur une collection avec Kotlin.
