
There are 20 repositories under ai-programming-with-python topic.

  • QuantumByteStudios/Vocalgrammer_HTML_Edition

    A Python Program which lets you CODE in HTML with your VOICE :)

  • basitaminbhatti/Udacity-AI-Programming-with-Python

    This GitHub repository contains the source code for the Udacity course "AI Programming with Python Nanodegree Program." Here, I utilize a pre-trained image classifier to identify dog breeds and create a Python application. The application is designed to train an image classifier on a dataset and predict labels for new images using the trained mode.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10405
  • Nitul-D/Create-your-own-Image-Classifier

    This is the final project of AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program by Udacity

  • n1ghtf4l1/aws-deepracer-2022-august

    Developers of all skill levels get hands on with machine learning through a cloud based 3D racing simulator, fully autonomous 1/18th scale race car driven by reinforcement learning, and global racing league.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3300
  • adnan119/Flower-Image-Classifier

    Flower Image Classifier in PyTorch using renet152 as pretrained model for Transfer Learning, to achieve an accuracy of 97%.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1001
  • nitsc/Ni_2

    宣传片首发地址: 这个程序是一个集成了多种功能的代码管理和转换工具,旨在为开发者提供简便高效的工作流程。通过命令行界面,用户可以轻松创建项目文件夹、生成和编辑.n文件,并将自然语言描述的程序转换为Python代码。特别之处在于,它利用先进的AI技术,支持用户使用详细严谨的自然语言编写程序,并将其发送给AI转换为Python语言,极大地提升了编程效率和便捷性。

  • Nitul-D/Use-a-Pre-trained-Image-Classifier-to-Identify-Dog-Breeds

    This is the first project of AI programming with Python Nanodegree program by Udacity

  • AbdelTID/Pre-trained-Image-Classifier-to-Identify-Dog-Breeds

    Project 1 as part of Udacity's `AI Programming with Python` Nanodegree.

  • anudeepvanjavakam1/ImageClassifier-Pytorch

    Project code for Udacity's AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program: In this project, I developed code for an image classifier built with PyTorch, then converted it into a command line application.

  • hirenchalodiya1/ai-project

    Berkeley AI project

  • jpgold830/Create-your-own-Image-Classifier

    This is the final project of AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program by Udacity

  • jpgold830/Dog-Breeds

    This is the first project of AI programming with Python Nanodegree program by Udacity

  • jyrj/ai-programming-with-python

    This repository contains REVISED code and associated files for the AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program

  • kattat13/AWS-AI-ML-Scholarship-2023

    Project for Udacity's AI Programming with Python Nanodegree program.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • tuncayemekci/image-classifier-project

    A Python project that builds image classifier to identify images for AI Programming with Python Nanodegree Program of Udacity.

  • tuncayemekci/pretrained-image-classifier

    A Python project that uses a pre-trained image classifier to identify dog breeds for AI Programming with Python Nanodegree Program of Udacity.

  • adnan119/udacity_aipwpnd_projects

    This repository is for the projects of AI Programming with Python nanodegree of Udacity

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • aman-chhetri/Udacity-AI-Programming-with-Python

    Repository of the Udacity AI Programming with Python Project Submission Files

  • jsstrn/dog-breed-image-classifier

    A dog breed image classificatioin project

  • SnehBihani08/Udacity-dog-breed-classifier

    Determine how well the "best" classification algorithm works on correctly identifying a dog's breed. If you are confused by the term image classifier look at it simply as a tool that has an input and an output. The Input is an image. The output determines what the image depicts. (for example, a dog).
