
There are 59 repositories under ai-security topic.

  • h4cker


    This repository is primarily maintained by Omar Santos (@santosomar) and includes thousands of resources related to ethical hacking, bug bounties, digital forensics and incident response (DFIR), artificial intelligence security, vulnerability research, exploit development, reverse engineering, and more.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook17k866933.1k
  • giskard


    🐢 Open-Source Evaluation & Testing for LLMs and ML models

  • jiep/offensive-ai-compilation

    A curated list of useful resources that cover Offensive AI.

  • THUYimingLi/backdoor-learning-resources

    A list of backdoor learning resources

  • normster/llm_rules

    RuLES: a benchmark for evaluating rule-following in language models

  • ZhengyuZhao/AI-Security-and-Privacy-Events

    A curated list of academic events on AI Security & Privacy

  • ruoxi-jia-group/Narcissus

    The official implementation of the CCS'23 paper, Narcissus clean-label backdoor attack -- only takes THREE images to poison a face recognition dataset in a clean-label way and achieves a 99.89% attack success rate.

  • jay-johnson/train-ai-with-django-swagger-jwt

    Train AI (Keras + Tensorflow) to defend apps with Django REST Framework + Celery + Swagger + JWT - deploys to Kubernetes and OpenShift Container Platform

  • RjDuan/AdvDrop

    Code for "Adversarial attack by dropping information." (ICCV 2021)

  • Hacking-Notes/VulnScan

    Performing website vulnerability scanning using OpenAI technologie

  • YiZeng623/I-BAU

    Official Implementation of ICLR 2022 paper, ``Adversarial Unlearning of Backdoors via Implicit Hypergradient''

    Language:Jupyter Notebook472313
  • CVPR_2019_PNI


    pytorch implementation of Parametric Noise Injection for adversarial defense

  • Imperio


    [IJCAI 2024] Imperio is an LLM-powered backdoor attack. It allows the adversary to issue language-guided instructions to control the victim model's prediction for arbitrary targets.

  • mitre-atlas/atlas-data

    ATLAS tactics, techniques, and case studies data

  • AnthenaMatrix/Website-Prompt-Injection

    Website Prompt Injection is a concept that allows for the injection of prompts into an AI system via a website's. This technique exploits the interaction between users, websites, and AI systems to execute specific prompts that influence AI behavior.

  • AI-Initiative-KAUST/VideoRLCS

    Learning to Identify Critical States for Reinforcement Learning from Videos (Accepted to ICCV'23)

  • modzy/sdk-python

    Python library for Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform

  • zhangzp9970/MIA

    Unofficial pytorch implementation of paper: Model Inversion Attacks that Exploit Confidence Information and Basic Countermeasures

  • AnthenaMatrix/Prompt-Injection-Testing-Tool

    The Prompt Injection Testing Tool is a Python script designed to assess the security of your AI system's prompt handling against a predefined list of user prompts commonly used for injection attacks. This tool utilizes the OpenAI GPT-3.5 model to generate responses to system-user prompt pairs and outputs the results to a CSV file for analysis.

  • jay-johnson/antinex-core

    Network exploit detection using highly accurate pre-trained deep neural networks with Celery + Keras + Tensorflow + Redis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20802
  • AnthenaMatrix/Image-Prompt-Injection

    Image Prompt Injection is a Python script that demonstrates how to embed a secret prompt within an image using steganography techniques. This hidden prompt can be later extracted by an AI system for analysis, enabling covert communication with AI models through images.

  • modzy/sdk-javascript

    The official JavaScript SDK for the Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform.

  • SEC-CAFE/handbook


  • ruoxi-jia-group/Meta-Sift

    The official implementation of USENIX Security'23 paper "Meta-Sift" -- Ten minutes or less to find a 1000-size or larger clean subset on poisoned dataset.

  • moonwatcher-ai/moonwatcher

    Evaluation & testing framework for computer vision models

  • CyberAlbSecOP/Awesome_CyberSec_Bible

    Cyber-Security Bible! Theory and Tools, Kali Linux, Penetration Testing, Bug Bounty, CTFs, Malware Analysis, Cryptography, Secure Programming, Web App Security, Cloud Security, Devsecops, Ethical Hacking, Social Engineering, Privacy, Incident Response, Threat Assestment, Personal Security, Ai Security, Android Security, Iot Security, Standards.

  • modzy/sdk-java

    The official Java library for the Modzy Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) Platform

  • tsmotlp/AI-Security-Research

    A curated collection of the latest academic research papers and developments in AI Security. This repository aims to provide a comprehensive source for researchers and enthusiasts to stay updated on AI Security trends and findings. Contributions welcome!

  • wearetyomsmnv/AI-LLM-ML_security_study_map

    Do you want to learn AI Security but don't know where to start ? Take a look at this map.

  • AnthenaMatrix/AI-Prompt-Injection-List

    AI/LLM Prompt Injection List is a curated collection of prompts designed for testing AI or Large Language Models (LLMs) for prompt injection vulnerabilities. This list aims to provide a comprehensive set of prompts that can be used to evaluate the behavior of AI or LLM systems when exposed to different types of inputs.

  • sachink1729/Healthcare-AI-Assistant-Medical-Data-Qdrant-Dspy-Groq

    Building Private Healthcare AI Assistant for Clinics Using Qdrant Hybrid Cloud, DSPy and Groq - Llama3

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10100
  • jay-johnson/antinex-datasets

    Datasets for training deep neural networks to defend software applications

  • Safetorun/PromptDefender

    A prompt defence is a multi-layer defence that can be used to protect your applications against prompt injection attacks.

  • IDRnD/idvoice-gpt-ios-demo

    IDVoice + ChatGPT iOS demo app

  • pagiux/maleficnet

    Neural networks, but malefic! 😈
