
There are 9 repositories under aims topic.

  • devgateway/amp

    Aid Management Platform

  • open-AIMS/gisaimsr

    R package that makes multiple GBR-related GIS products available to play in R

  • ropensci/dataaimsr

    Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) Data Platform API Client which provides easy access to AIMS Data Platform scientific data and information.

  • tiuphun/oop-lab

    Code submission for the lab class of OOP in Java, Sem 2022.2

  • YamanAlBochi/RealTimeSalesInsights

    A case study is based on a computer hardware company, which is facing challenges in dynamically changing market. The sales director decides to invest in data analysis project, and he would like to build a power BI dashboard that can give him/her a real time sales insights.

  • marcuslindh/AIMS-Styles-To-SLD

    Export Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server Layer styles to SLD format

    Language:Visual Basic0100
  • marcuslindh/AIMS-Wrapper

    Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server API Wrapper

    Language:Visual Basic00
  • bimo1981/Goalee

    An application that allows people to meet and achieve the same goal together. With this application, you will forget what procrastination is and stop procrastinating your business for later, just take it and do it.

  • fatema-a5878/Plan-Of-2024

    Plan Of 2024
