
There are 12 repositories under air-quality-measurements topic.

  • Limych/ha-jq300

    JQ-300 Indoor Air Quality Meter Home Assistant Integration

  • earthobservations/luftdatenpumpe

    Acquire and process live and historical air quality data without efforts. Filter by station-id, sensor-id and sensor-type, apply reverse geocoding, store into time-series and RDBMS databases, publish to MQTT, output as JSON, or visualize in Grafana. Data sources: Sensor.Community (, IRCELINE, and OpenAQ.

  • tianshu129/foqat

    Field observation quick analysis toolkit

  • ropensci/qualR

    This is the qualR package, it will help you bring São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro air quality data to your R session :brazil:.

  • CodeForAfrica/sensors.AFRICA

    sensors.AFRICA is a citizen-science focused project by Code for Africa that seeks to address data gaps by providing low cost sensors, which people can use to measure and monitor the quality of the air, water, and sound in their communities.

  • jakubowiczish/AirPollution

    Command-line application providing some information about air quality in Poland. Tested using Mockito and JUnit

  • cteqeu/pxlairquality

    Repo for NB-IoT Air Quality Project

  • roe-dl/weewx-airQ

    Service for WeeWX to retrieve air quality data from the airQ device of Corant GmbH

  • sijung21/js06

    JS-06 measures the visibility and concentration of particulate matter in the atmosphere based on the humidity and extinction coefficient of the air using a camera image.

  • steventblack/purpleprom

    Reads PurpleAir devices for measuring AQI and exports data for Prometheus consumption

  • Crowdhackathon-SmartCity2/airlytiqs

    Plug-and-play device installed in public vehicles for high spatial resolution environmental mapping

  • PhilippMatthes/no2-ios

    NO2 was an iOS App for air quality measurements. It used the OpenAQ API to gather information about air pollution for NO2, CO, PM10, PM25, O3 and SO2.
