
There are 4 repositories under amazon-product-review topic.

  • vishwassathish/Sentiment-Analysis-for-product-reviews

    Sentiment Analysis using LSTM cells on Recurrent Networks. GloVe word embeddings were used for vector representation of words. Amazon Product Reviews were used as Dataset.

  • kawsarlog/amazon-reviews-extraction

    🛍️📊 Effortlessly extract Amazon reviews using Python with the amazon-reviews-extraction script. This script makes use of popular Python modules like requests, pandas, bs4, and lxml to scrape and parse HTML content from Amazon product review pages. Simplify your data extraction process and gain valuable insights from customer reviews. 🐍🔍

    Language:Jupyter Notebook7123
  • rajathpatel23/amazon_review_analysis

    Text mining on Amazon review to perform sentiment analysis

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • navidadelpour/amazon-neural-network

    amazon product rating classification in python and keras

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20