
There are 7 repositories under amcat topic.

  • packetprep/coding-questions

    The most important coding questions for Amcat, Cocubes,Elitmus, TCS Ninja, Infosys, Capgemini, Cognizant, Wipro and many more...

  • nrashok/Popular-JobListing-Web-Scraping-Scripts

    Python web scrapping scripts for popular job posting / listing sites

  • himanshu-03/Exploratory-Data-Analysis-of-AMEO-Dataset

    This project conducts EDA and Hypothesis Testing on the AMCAT dataset, focusing on understanding the relationships between various features and salary. Through thorough analysis, and hypothesis testing to validate specific claims, valuable insights are gained regarding earning potential and key factors influencing salary in the dataset

    Language:Jupyter Notebook5200
  • iShubhamSharma/AMCAT-Automata-Coding-Questions

    Recently asked questions in AMCAT Automata section

  • ccs-amsterdam/amcat4docker

    Docker repository for the Amsterdam Content Analysis Toolkit (AmCAT). Learn more at

  • HannahIgboke/Innomatics-Internship

    What interesting trends can be seen from the AMEO 2015 study? This is a comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis of the AMEO study using Python. Come see what I found out during my analysis.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook110

    Analyzing employment outcomes for engineering graduates based on a provided dataset. Specifically, it aims to verify a claim regarding the salary range for fresh graduates in certain engineering roles and investigate potential relationships between gender and specialization preferences.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10