
There are 12 repositories under amphibian topic.

  • AmphibiaWeb/taxonomy-archive

    Snapshots of AmphibiaWeb's working taxonomy by month

  • ecohealthalliance/amphibian_trade

    Documenting amphibian trade into the United States

  • SSARHERPS/SSAR-species-database

    SSAR North American Common Names Database

  • ezylstra/Zylstra_etal_2019_EcoApps

    Zylstra, E. R., D. E. Swann, B. R. Hossack, E. Muths, and R. J. Steidl. 2019. Drought-mediated extinction of an arid-land amphibian: insights from a spatially explicit dynamic occupancy model. Ecological Applications 29:e01859

  • AmphibiaWeb/amphibian-pa

    AmphibiaWeb Conservation Working Group's publication repository analyzing how well the global protected areas account for amphibian biodiversity

  • erharrison/Final_Project_Plymouth_University_2019

    A project developed as part of my dissertation for my degree in Computer Science BSc. This work proposes a solution to predicting the number of Bd infected amphibians in North America. It is important to estimate these figures to help build preventative methods to stop the spread of the disease. The problem being dealt with by this application is a timeseries prediction problem. The optimal model configurations need to be implemented to maximise the accuracy of the model’s output, and therefore the predictions based off it. A Recurrrent Neural Network is used to produce predictions, which are ultimately visualised as a bubble map.

  • eveskew/frog_chytrid_transcriptomics

    Code, data, and figures for an experimental pathogen exposure study using wood frogs and American bullfrogs

  • nicholaswunz/chytrid-meta-analysis

    Paper - Functional disruption varies with infection intensity in an amphibian fungal panzootic

  • nicholaswunz/tadpole-thermal-tolerance

    Paper - Open habitats increase vulnerability of amphibian tadpoles to climate warming

  • schefferslab/Basham_et_al_2021

    Repository for code and data for Basham et al 2022 (Oceologia,

  • portafolio


    Personal portfolio

  • eduquistechnology/TechnexWorkshop-2k19

    For the participants of St. Vincent Palloti college of Engineering and Technology
