
There are 45 repositories under amplitude-modulation topic.

  • notthetup/birds

    Bird Sound Synthesis based on AM+FM

  • shiva34/Digital-Modulation-Schemes

    Contains codes various Digital Modulation Schemes (like AM, DSB-SC, SSB-SC FM, BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, DBPSK, DQPSK) in MatLab from scratch ie. without built-in MatLab functions

  • rishabh-panda/digital-signal-processing

    Fundamental continuous and discrete-time signals and their implementations using Matrix laboratory. Concepts include CTS, DTS, Amplitude modulation, Amplitude demodulation, Double sideband suppressed carrier (DSB-SC), single-sideband suppressed carrier (SSB-SC), PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation), PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), PPM (Pulse Position Modulation), PCM (Pulse Code Modulation), TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), DMT (Delta Modulation Technique), Data Formatting Techniques, ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying), FSK (Frequency Shift Keying), BPSK (Binary Phase Shift Keying), QPSK (Quadrature Phase Shift Keying) and much more...

  • tsoun/phthong-speech-analysis-signals-and-systems

    A short project for ECE-Y425 (Signals and Systems), ECE University of Patras. Written explicitly in MATLAB.

  • Bharti-Parmar/Modulation-Demodulation

    Modulation Demodulation of analog and digital signals using MATLAB

  • dsheeler/tremelo.lv2

    Simple tremolo lv2 plugin.

  • Saptarshi-prog/amplitude_modulation

    This repository contains the MATLAB code for Amplitude Modulation. This can also be done using MATLAB Simulink. I have done it by writing a code in MATLAB Editor.

  • vidhi09-tech/amplitude_modulation

    Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting messages with a radio carrier wave. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal, such as an audio signal.

  • ad-astra-et-ultra/A.M.-and-F.M-Transceivers

    Implementation of A.M. and F.M. Transceivers on a SDR (software defined radio)

  • AkhilRai28/AMFMTransceiverSim

    A MATLAB simulation project for AM and FM transceivers. The simulation explores modulation and demodulation techniques under various noise conditions, including AWGN channels, and analyzes the concept of SNR.

  • AkhilRai28/DSB-AMXplorer

    A MATLAB project simulating DSB-SC and DSB-C AM transmission and reception using tone and voice inputs. It includes signal visualization, frequency domain analysis, and modulation techniques.

  • derekxkwan/cljs-amfmdemo

    demo of am/fm synthesis with clojurescript, reagent and web audio api

  • hirve/pirate-shortwave-transmitter

    AM / DSB shortwave transmitter

  • masum035/Matlab-Salvage

    This repo contains all my codings related to matlab in a very sequential manner. Fork or Star this repo. Might be helpful to pass your exam :')

  • ozan956/communication-models

    Analog & Digital implementations of communication techniques including AM, PM, FM, MPAM, MQAM, MPSK and MFSK.

  • rohankalbag/communication-systems

    Communications Lab - Autumn Semester 2022 - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

  • aerth/modem

    AM/ASK in Go

  • cyberboysumanjay/Semester4

    Lab works

  • FawadJawaid/audio-algorithms

    This is the Multimedia Programming project which implements the Audio Algorithms such as changing frequency, data encoding format (PCM) , amplitude, mono or stereo etc.

  • hemantghuge/Amplitude-Modulation-Using-MATLAB

    Also done amplitude modulation using Simulink so check it

  • ismailfaruk/ECSE308--Introduction-to-Communication-Systems-and-Networks

    Academic project done to perform telecommunication prototypes

  • subhashris/ADC-MATLAB-CODES

    MATLAB codes for Analog and Digital Communication

  • utn-ba-rf-lab/grcs

    GNU Radio flowgraphs

  • vpodlesnyi/USBINFRTransiever

    Analog electronics | Infrared USB-UART transmitter with an amplitude signal modulation.

  • ZaZi2002/Communication-Systems-Simulations

    Communication Systems Course simulations focusing on different aspects of signal processing and modulation techniques.

  • agilbert28/waveform-generator

    Final Waveform Generator Project for my UW Microprocessor System Design course which runs a simple amplitude-adjustable, frequency-adjustable waveform generator.

  • CarlosCraveiro/DSB-SC_Modulation

    Demonstrates concepts of Amplitude Modulation (AM) using Matlab/GNU Octave to modulate using DSB-SC a sinc(x), demodulate synchronously and perform a Low Pass filtering at frequency domain.

  • MoEssamKhattab/SSB-Amplitude-Modulation

    MATLAB code to generate a single sideband (SSB) signal using the SSB Hilbert method (phase shift method); implementing the suitable demodulator (Coherent Demodulation) to extract the original message signal from the SSB. In addition, the last part investigates the output in case the demodulator isn't perfectly synchronized.

  • ShwetaKiranTotla/SinePWM_Firmware

    Generating sine PWM signals with frequency and amplitude modulation on Tiva C series TM4C123GH6PM Cortex M4 Core.

  • suhaylp/AMradio

    A circuitboard AM Radio utilizing python fitting code

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • Tatyana-Stoyanova/AmplitudeModulation

    Using Python for visualization of an amplitude modulated signal.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • AbdelrahmanHamdyy/Amplitude-Modulation

    📶 Project: Multiplexing three signals on three carriers with two different carrier frequencies where two of these signals are modulated using Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), then the three signals are restored using synchronous carrier demodulation. A phase shift of different degrees and frequency changes are also tested on carriers.

  • arjunssat/Spotify_Analysis

    Analysis the various patterns of genre people listen to,their popularity and acoustic features

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Santosh2611/Communication-Systems-Lab

    Demonstration of the mini-lab component activities conducted for the course of Communication Systems Lab (19CCE382).

  • VSrihariMoorthy/Virtual-Radio-Broadcasting

    A group project on simulating the underlying technical principles in radio broadcasting for the course 19CCE281 Signal Processing Lab.
