
There are 11 repositories under analisys topic.

  • DuPAL-PAL-DUmper/DuPAL_Analyzer

    This a Java tool that interfaces to the DuPAL board via serial connection. It performs analysis that would be problematic to implement on a MCU.

  • eocode/COVIT-19-Mexico

    Python analysis with Public Datasets V1 manual with Pandas MatPlotLib Colab Jupyter - V2 automated with (GSheets DataStudio)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook3202
  • formeo/FirebirdRepairBase

    Program for analize and repare crashed firebird database, it is working on the low level

  • marcroiglama/wines_reviews

    The data is coming from and it's a massive dataset of wines reviews with information as the professional description, price, points and so on. The aim of the project is to give an overview of a worldwide wine clues, for example, the relation between price and quality(points), the countries where the wines are made or perform an analisys of the most used words to decrive wines. The future lines of this analisys could be to implement a Machine Learning algorithm to predict the clues(aroma,taste) that corresponds to an exellent wine.

  • mrekin/detectron2_cpu_img

    Ready-to-use service for image objects and segments recognition using CPU. Service based on detectron2, coco models, flask and etc.

  • ovapichi/biomecanica-datos

    Análisis de Datos exportados con Celda de cargas Win Laborat

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1
  • JonathanThomaz/benford-analisys-backend

    this project show to use the library benford-analysis

  • MarioAvolio/Customer-Personality-Analysis-with-R

    An Analisys of customers with R program language.

  • quantarmyz/qastats-git

    Based on private module for generate reports. Using empyrical calcs and create faster factsheets in a pandas-like style

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0101
  • Teliteu/SPURRvsHALL

    tool to verify model test specifications and presence of heteroscedasticity in the forest inventory plot

  • PedroDrim/The-Trader

    Projeto em R-Shiny para estudo e análise do mercado de ações
