
There are 8 repositories under angular-drag-and-drop topic.

  • Angular2Guy/AngularPortfolioMgr

    This is an project to show the use of Angular 18, Spring Boot 3, H2/Postgresql with Jpa, Liquibase, Kafka and Gradle and a Helm chart for a Kubernetes deployment. The frontend uses D3 for charts. For dynamic queries the frontend uses Drag'n Drop and the Backend Jpa Criteria api and the frontend displays the results in Table/Tree Angular components.

  • Maidaaaa/AngularToDo

    ToDo list application where we can drag and drop task between sections(To Do, In Progress, Done). We are able to add a new task but also to delete and update.

  • BastidaNicolas/FullStackCV-FrontEnd

    This full-stack web application offers a CRUD platform and includes JWT authentication. Showcase your background with sections for an introduction, educational background, work history, portfolio projects, and technical skills.

  • Nahuel92/to-doList-angular-frontend

    A to-do list Angular project

  • mawalou14/angularDrag-Drop

    An Angular application showcasing drag-and-drop functionality with Angular Material and Tailwind CSS. Users can drag and drop video cards between three containers, dynamically updating their placement.

  • image-to-base64


    Image to Base64 Converter | powered by Angular 8+, TypeScript, ES6+ features, SCSS, JavaScript

  • svsh227/DragAndDrop_Angular2-4-5-6

    Implement Drag and drop in angular 2/4/5/6/

  • SyncfusionExamples/Angular-4-Scheduler

    A quick start project that helps you to create the Angular 4 Scheduler with minimal code configuration.
