
There are 5 repositories under ann-search topic.

  • LearnedMetricIndex/LearnedMetricIndex

    Learned Metric Index (LMI) is a machine learning based data structure for fast look-up of approximate nearest neighbor queries for complex data

  • brandonsorensen/candidate-generation

    A framework for the implementation of candidate generation/retrieval algorithms for recommender systems.

  • CS-Edwards/vector_search_engine

    Building a Custom Vector Search Engine with Weaviate : The project discusses the architecture of Weaviate, an open-source vector database and provides a tutorial implementation of a custom vector search engine using Weaviate Cloud Service(WCS).

    Language:Jupyter Notebook0100
  • awesome-reactivesearch/app-store-search

    App Store Search example using ReactiveSearch pipelines and aNN

  • kqf/kg-paths

    Approximate shortest path between the nodes in a (knowledge or any other) graph
