
There are 5 repositories under apache-http-server topic.

  • VerisimilitudeX/LogVision

    A comprehensive strategy for web server management that provides continuous feedback on performance, anomalies, and troubleshooting.

  • Pankaj-sudo419/Blood-Bank-Management-System

    • Java Server Pages • TomCat,Java JDBC • HTML,CSS,MySql • Apache HTTP Server This Project is build for local level blood Management,Donor can Register itself and can receiver can request for blood.

  • Ansible-Configure-webserver_inside_Docker_Container


    Using Ansible-playbook lanuch docker container on worker node and run httpd container which is linked to local folder where put webpage & this container is exposed to world and then access web page from browser using ip and port number of worker node.

  • BrianPerel/company-employee-manager

    A Python GUI employee management application

  • michel-abele/apache-htaccess-snippets

    :gb:|:us: This repository contains various configuration snippets for the htaccess files of the Apache HTTP server. - :de: Dieses Repository enthält verschiedene Konfigurationsschnipsel für die htaccess-Dateien des Apache HTTP Servers.