
There are 7 repositories under api-js topic.

  • quizapi-npm


    QuizAPI Npm - 💡 Uma API de Questões e Respostas para seu bot do Discord e WebSite, 100% em português e fácil de usar ⚡

  • ecuellarfernandez/API-JS

    App en JavaScript, con integraciones a mĂşltiples API: Geolocation API de JavaScript, OpenWeatherMap: Current weather data, icanhazdadjoke.com y chucknorris.io

  • charlenry/CharlesHenriSaintMars_7_16052022

    C'est un site de recettes de cuisine à l’instar de Marmiton ou 750g. Le site doit être doté d'un moteur de recherche avancé et performant.

  • lilithrv/api-js


  • pradeepa45/currency-converter-dynamic

    A sample currency converter with latest foreign exchange values and converts 33 types of currency types among each other. Uses a public api published by ECB. Made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Another static version can be found under my repositories.

  • charlenry/CharlesHenriSaintMars_12_022023

    SportSee project : Analytics dashboard for sports coaching

  • charlenry/CharlesHenriSaintMars_13_032023

    Argent Bank is a new bank startup and I need to prototype a web application for customers to log in and manage their accounts and their profile. I also need to provide API endpoints in YAML format for transaction operations. Note: the version offered in the link below doesn't have a backend. To have a version with backend, see the README.md file.
