
There are 176 repositories under apitesting topic.

  • TommyLemon/APIAuto

    ☔ 敏捷开发最强大易用的接口工具,机器学习零代码测试、生成代码与静态检查、生成文档与光标悬浮注释,腾讯、华为、SHEIN、传音、工行等使用 ☔ The most advanced tool for HTTP API. Testing with machine learning, generating codes and static analysis, generating comments and floating hints. Used by Tencent, Huawei, SHEIN, TRANSSION, ICBC, etc.

  • playwright-typescript-playwright-test


    This is a boilerplate/template for a Playwright-Typescript framework for web UI, API, mobile emulation, DB, and visual testing. Docker image, SonarQube, Lighthouse, GitHub Actions setup with Slack notifications are also implemented.

  • mfaisalkhatri/Manual_Testing

    This repository contains General Test Cases for performing Manual Testing on the Web/Mobile application. It also has Test cases related to API Testing. Templates related to Test Plan and BugBash are also updated.

  • restassured-complete-basic-example


    A complete API Test Architecture example using Java and RestAssured providing a real-world example and continuous delivery ready.

  • mfaisalkhatri/rest-assured-examples

    Learn API testing using rest-assured framework.

  • playwrightsolutions/playwright-api-test-demo

    This repository will serve as a place where I add API test Automation checks for articles written at https://playwrightsolutions.com

  • Ginger-Automation/Ginger

    Ginger Automation IDE

  • Barsonax/TestExamplesDotnet

    Showing how you can easily setup fast and easy to run more complex tests such as api tests or browser tests in .NET

  • mfaisalkhatri/SuperTest_poc

    API Testing using supertest, mocha and chai.

  • auto


    Automation tool to write tests for Http Api, Web Page Action, and Command Line based application with embedded mock server and highly configurable reports

  • abhaybharti/playwright-framework-template

    This is a Boilerplate/Template for Playwright-TypeScript framework for Web, API, Mobile, Load Testing.

  • google/litmus

    Litmus is a comprehensive LLM testing and evaluation tool designed for GenAI Application Development. It provides a robust platform with a user-friendly UI for streamlining the process of building and assessing the performance of your LLM-powered applications.

  • rahul-verma/arjuna

    Arjuna is a Python based test automation framework developed by Rahul Verma (www.rahulverma.net).

  • ghoshasish99/API-Testing-Pytest

    Pytest - API testing with Python requests

  • BakkappaN/PlaywrightAPITestingTutorial

    Playwright API Testing Tutorial

  • chihebnabil/openai-api-mock

    A Node.js module for mocking OpenAI API responses in a development environment

  • fred1268/okapi

    API tests made as easy as table driven tests

  • DeLaphante/CynkyAutomation

    Powered by Selenium, Reqnroll and ML.Net with detailed HTML reporting, Machine Learning Analysis and Logging capabilities - CynkyAutomation framework can handle any website that is built using AJAX, React, AngularJS, Vue.js, Single Page Applications, Salesforce, Dynamics 365 CRM and many more.

  • testbetter/openapitest

    openapitest framework is to simplify authoring, organizing, executing, and reporting result of API tests using API specification

  • bughunter7/API_Testing_Using_Postman

    This Project Demonstrates API Testing . API tested in this project includes different HTTP request create , update, delete , get , post . test can be executed using postman collection runner and newman . this also includes detailed documentation on integration with jenkins . and also basic and advance report generation using newman reporter plugin.

  • RestApiTesting.Framework.Cheetah


    This is a RESTful API testing Framework using C#, .NET Core, xUnit, Specflow, HttpClient and Fluent Assertions to test JSONPlaceholder REST API.

  • Advance-REST-APIs-with-Flask


    This repo is focused on developing RESTful APIs with Flask, SQLAlchemy, (de)/serializing with Marshmallow, advance email confirmations, image uploads, database migrations, third party login with OAuth, Incremental feature delivery and payments with Stripe. Read the API Documentation and play with the API in Postman here 👇

  • dipjyotimetia/PlaywrightTestFramework

    End to End web api automation test framework

  • Karate-Api-Testing


    This sample project includes api testing with Karate

  • suyogojha/Python-File-Uploader

    File Uploader

  • virtualansoftware/idaithalam

    Low code Test automation framework using cucumber and supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). Can build test cases using Excel and Postman collection. It allows to build and test api workflow in minutes.

  • Mahbub091/NewMan_API_Execution

    Automation of Postman API Collections through Newman & CI/CD on GitHub Actions.

  • radwanSQA/API-Testing--Postman

    Example of Testing API using postman and generate report with newman. In this repository store multiple project which I learning and testing about API testing(postman).Also demo add for every website report

  • sdetroadmap/test-automation-examples

    This repo was created by SDET/QA Automation members with real-world practice. The main aim is a valuable resource for all members of this project in order to help foster a positive and encouraging learning environment for all involved.

  • eliasnogueira/credit-simulator-api

    This project was created to start the initial steps with test automation for a REST API using RestAssured.

  • pentesterhelper/Postman-Api-Count

    Postman-API-Count is a tool that simplifies the extraction and analysis of APIs from Postman collections. It allows users to extract APIs based on specific HTTP methods, identify APIs without any defined methods, and retrieve the total count of APIs in a collection. This tool is beneficial for developers and testers working with Postman collections

  • omerbilgin/rest-assured

    JUnit5 + RestAssured + Allure, simple maven project with minimum dependencies to perform very basic get request and assertion using rest-assured library.

  • pablospaltro/Egg-QA-Automation

    🎓 Collaborative projects from the Quality Control + Automation course. 📌 Egg Cooperation (Globant University).

  • thinessGit/apicucumbertest

    repository contains a set of API tests written in JavaScript using the Cucumber testing framework

  • idaithalam-postman-collection


    Cucumber BDD style No Code/Low Code/Script Less API Test automation framework demo application. As a tester, they can populate the Excel spread sheet and can run the test without writing any code. or As a user, they can export the postman collection and can run the test without any coding.

  • virtualansoftware/microservices-lowcode-testautomation

    Idaithalam API workflow demo with API and DB testing
