
There are 82 repositories under appleii topic.

  • appleII-ForthGraphics

    Graphics libraries and utilities in Forth for the Apple II

  • reinette-II

    Reinette II, a french Apple II emulator

  • apple2graphic

    Programs and library to draw old Apple ][ graphics formats

  • ShrinkItArchive

    A Java library for managing Apple II ShrinkIt archives.

  • beneath-apple-prodos

    Beneath Apple ProDOS

  • rust-apple2

    An Apple II+ emulator written in Rust.

  • AppleII-NaturalLanguageProcessing

    Various experiments in parsing and natural language processing in the Forth language for the Apple II

  • AppleII-CharacterSet

    A character set (font) editor and loader for the Apple II in Forth

  • Sorgenti-Apple-II

    Sorgenti per Apple II provenienti da diverse parti (inclusi quelli scritti da me)

  • charsetinspector

    An Apple II program that displays the 256 available characters, with the option to switch to the alternate character set (with MouseText and inverse lowercase, or katakana) on compatible models.


    Cross-platform library inspired by SDL/DirectX for graphics/audio/IO on retro platforms (Commodore 64, Apple II...), XINAGA is a backronym for XINAGA is not a great acronym - a joke inspired by XNA and conveniently sounds like a JRPG ability affecting multiple targets

  • MonoGame.Palettes

    A collection of old-school computer & console system palettes, for use with MonoGame.

  • AppleII-respiration

    Apple II source code, in the Forth language, for a commercial respiration educational program

  • AppleII-genetics

    Apple II source code, in the Forth language, for a commercial genetics educational program

  • AppleII-photosynthesis

    Apple II source code, in the Forth language, for a commercial photosynthesis educational program

  • appleII-christmascard

    Forth source code for a commercial Apple II Christmas card program

  • appleII-videocam

    Forth source code for Apple II Video-Cam version 1.50

  • apple2_printshop_viewer

    PrintShop MiniPix Unpacker and Viewer (6502 asm) Apple ][

  • AY-3-8913_to_AY-3-8910_Adapter

    Adapter AY-3-8913 to AY-3-8910 for Mockinboard - Apple II

  • colorinspector


    An Apple II program that displays the sixteen colors, their names and numbers, and their chrominance and luma values.

  • appleII_emulator

    This is a simple AppleII emulator created to validate the eletronics to Baffa-6502's apple II boards.

  • Phoenix_QueenOfPhobos

    Source code for Queen of Phobos, published by Phoenix Software, for Apple II computer

  • Phoenix_BirthOfThePhoenix

    Source code for Birth of the Phoenix, published by Phoenix Software, for Apple II and Atari 8-bit computers

  • AppleII-copyprotection

    Forth code for copy protection on the Apple II

  • appleII-forth-animation-demo

    Apple II source code, in the Forth language, a demo of an animation of a woman running. Dated 1983, from a pile of old source code floppies.

  • dsk2woz2

    A command-line tool to convert Apple II DSK images to WOZ2 format.

  • aritmjs

    Aritm in BASIC (ZX/C64/Tiny/GW/MM), PHP, & JavaScript (JS24) is a mental calculation training game

  • vavi-apps-appleii-bdj

    💿 Apple II Emulator for BD-J

  • vavi-apps-appleii-android

    👾 Apple II emulator for Android

  • mdbasicxx


  • Kaverns

    Kaverns Of Kfest, 2016 KansasFest Hackfest winner (6502 assembly language: Apple // and Atari 8-bit)

  • ShrinkItArchive

    A library for managing Apple ][ ShrinkIt / NuFX archives.

  • emu8

    8-bit retro computers emulator, tested 6502, 8080, z80 and 8086 processors emulation.

  • PathFindingPRG

    Wave propagation path finding demo program for the Apple II written in assembly language

  • Phoenix_AdventureInTime

    Source code for Adventure In Time, published by Phoenix Software, for Apple II and Atari 8-bit computers

  • elk-cloner

    Elk Cloner - allegedly, the first Apple II virus