There are 5 repositories under arduino-eeprom topic.
Arduino-based Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP/UDP gateway with web interface. Allows you to connect Modbus RTU slaves (such as sensors, energy meters, HVAC devices) to Modbus TCP/UDP masters (such as home automation systems). You can adjust settings through web interface.
Arduino-based controller for Daikin Altherma heat pumps. The controller connect to the Altherma heat pump via P1/P2 bus, has a built-in webserver for configuration (of the controller itself). Integration to Loxone home automation system via UDP protocol, allows you to monitor and control your Altherma heat pump.
Arduino-based sensor gateway with web interface. Collects data data from sensors (see bellow for supported sensor types) and sends them as a JSON-formatted UDP message.
Library for using the Atmel's EEPROM AT24C32/AT24C64/AT24C128/AT24C256/AT24C512/AT24CM01/AT24CM02 in Arduino projects.
Arduino EEPROM CString List Manager - EPList (For keep some Strings on Arduino EEPROM / External EEPROM and minimize use memory on Arduino Board). Template class.