
There are 14 repositories under arduinos topic.

  • harryjph/android-bluetooth-serial

    A library for Android to simplify basic serial communication over Bluetooth, for example when communicating with Arduinos.

  • PowerBroker2/pySerialTransfer

    Python package to transfer data in a fast, reliable, and packetized form

  • solariun/CorePartition

    Universal Cooperative Multithread Lib with real time Scheduler that was designed to work, virtually, into any modern micro controller or Microchip and, also, for user space applications for modern OS (Mac, Linux, Windows) or on FreeRTOS as well. Supports C and C++

  • naztronaut/nrf24l01--tx-rx-project1

    Small project set up to communicate between two arduinos using the NRF24l01+ transceivers, a joystick module, and motor shield

  • SupremeSports/HA-Domotic

    My Home Automation using Home Assistant and DIY IoT devices

  • revlysJ/jeedouino

    plugin for jeedom

  • bcsanches/DCCLite

    A solution for controlling model railroad accessories with Arduino

  • kakao-bits/Arduino-RFID-access-control-

    RFID based control system design is based on microcontroller control system which by using Arduino UNO that works with ATMEGA328P microchip which is fully suitable for such applications, the RFID module used is MFRC522 RFID module which is a reliable and compatible component to work with Arduino's boards, for door control a 28BJY-48 stepper motor is used that can be controlled in both directions and also number of steps and speed can be controlled, the stepper motor is derived using ULN2003 high voltage, high current Darlington array Integrated circuit. A 16x2 LCD display is used as output component to show different situations of the system, also an electric buzzer or a piezo transducer is used to generate system sounds and alarming in different situations, a LED is used as indicators also with different situations, and finally a push bottom is used for admin to erase the EEPROM of the microcontroller, the implementation also uses some wires, jumpers, and breadboards for testing the functionality of the system. the system block diagram in figure(3-1) below shows the system components that used in design and implementation of the proposed RFID access control system.

  • ernestocisnero/ElectronicShop

    This is a clone of a web store.

  • Racow/ArduinOS

    Assignment from school to make a small operating system on an Arduino Uno.

  • tjcaul/MinePlusPlus

    A Minecraft-inspired game designed for Arduino.

  • LucasDiasJorge/Lib-Curl-Implementation

    Project created to access APIs with C language. Used in Arduinos, Rasp and others microcomputers.
