
There are 18 repositories under area-under-curve topic.

  • rodrigobdz/lrp

    Explain Neural Networks using Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation and evaluate the explanations using Pixel-Flipping and Area Under the Curve.

  • ArDoCo/Metrics

    ArDoCo: Metrics for Classification & Ranking Tasks

  • amir-rs/Brest-Cancer-Prediction-using-ML

    This project aims to predict breast cancer using machine learning and deep learning techniques.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • amir-rs/Diabetes-Detection-Neural-Network

    This project aims to predict the occurrence of diabetes using machine learning techniques. The dataset used for this analysis is the "diabetes_prediction_dataset.csv" file, which contains various features related to an individual's health condition.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • jhhughes256/otter_code

    R code for manuscript: Hughes JH, Upton RN, Reuter SE, Phelps MA, Foster DJR. Optimising time samples for determining AUC of pharmacokinetic data using non-compartmental analysis. - Web App can be found at:

  • mahajanaman/Human-Resource-Analytics-using-R

    Companies face the problem that their human resources on whom the company have invested time and money to train them, leave the company voluntarily. It is important for the management to know the variables responsible for employees quitting jobs and also have a prediction that which employees will be quitting their jobs in future. The goal of this project is to design different models for predicting if an employee will stay or leave the company within the next year and analyze the accuracy of the models.

  • MohdFarag/Evaluation-of-CAD-Algorithms

    Program evaluate and test some algorithms and find the best evaluation measure for it with different photos.

  • pajaskowiak/aucc

    AUCC (Python Implementation)

  • PKPD-coder/time-independent_analysis_in_vitro

    How to cite: Van De Vyver, A.J., Eigenmann, M.J., Ovacik, M., Pöhl, C., Herter, S., Weinzierl, T., Fauti, T., Klein, C., Lehr, T., Bacac, M., Walz, A.-C. (2021). A novel approach for quantifying the pharmacological activity of T cell engagers utilizing in vitro time course experiments and streamlined data analysis. AAPS

  • pritomsaha/Multiclass_AUC

    A multi-class approach to the AUC based on Hand and Till's 2001 paper.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1221
  • srilakshmi-thota/METRICS-ROC-AND-AUC

    Python code to obtain metrics like receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve and area under the curve (AUC) from scratch without using in-built functions.

  • AB20CS/HandDrawnGraphAUC

    An innovative solution for finding the area under the curve for hand-drawn graphs

  • Jstacs/PRROC

  • Akash1070/Machine-Learning-

    Learning Machine Learning Through Data

    Language:Jupyter Notebook20
  • jhhughes256/optinterval

    Raw R code for manuscript: Hughes JH, Upton RN, Reuter SE, Phelps MA, Foster DJR. Optimising time samples for determining AUC of pharmacokinetic data using non-compartmental analysis.

  • saheelahmed2/Credit_Card_Fraud_Detection

    Predicting And analyzing credit card fraudulent detection

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • seejansunar/ML-DataCamp

    This repository basically contains all the projects that I have carried out while learning Machine Learning on DataCamp.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10
  • Zen204/-My-eCornell-Portfolio

    Includes all of my Jupyter Notebook assignments from MIT's Break Through AI/ML Machine Learning Foundations Program.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook10