
There are 47 repositories under arithmetic-operations topic.

  • Iqbolshoh/javascript-calculator

    JavaScript Calculator is a lightweight and efficient calculator application designed to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Built using JavaScript, HTML and CSS, this calculator offers a clean and intuitive interface

  • DhruvJ22/LargeIntArithmeticOps

    Efficiently perform arithmetic operations on large integers with hundreds of thousands of digits.

  • Programming_Fundamentals


    Welcome to my beginner-friendly C++ code repository, containing a collection of simple and helpful programs to learn the fundamentals of C++ programming.

  • MohHizzani/SigmoidNumbers.jl

    This is new edited version of the known SigmoidNumbers

  • adam-rocska/units-and-measurement-typescript

    A modular TypeScript library for working with units and measurements. Supports various formats (tuples, objects, strings) and provides tools for arithmetic, comparison, and unit conversion, all while being type-safe and tree-shakable.

  • Jasvanth-Hub/Flask-Login-form-and-Arthematic-operations

    This project was developed as part of my training in full-stack web development using Flask and Python. It's a simple web application that performs arithmetic operations based on user input.

  • LasyaGanesuni/python-tkinter-calculator

    This is a simple GUI calculator made with Python 3.8(tkinter)

  • MoinDalvs/Python_for_Data_Science

    1.Python Basics function

    Language:Jupyter Notebook210
  • shashwatb14/MathGame

    šŸ”¢ A command line program for mental math problems

  • ammarmalik17/Verilog_Adders

    This repository contains Verilog HDL implementations of Half Adders, Full Adders, and 4-bit Adders, designed at three different abstraction levels: Gate Level, Dataflow Level, and Behavioral Level. These designs are fundamental to digital electronics, and this project showcases the versatility of Verilog in modeling and simulating digital circuits.

  • areeba0/Fraction-Class-Implementation-with-Overloaded-Operators-in-CPP

    The Fraction class in C++ uses fractions with robust arithmetic operations and comparison capabilities. It includes constructors for flexible initialization, overloads operators for intuitive usage (including arithmetic, comparison, and unary operations), and provides utility functions like normalization and error handling for zero denominators.

  • farincyntiya/image-data-analysis

    Image data analysis practices.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1100
  • Kalyan767Z/Arithmetic_mean_of_two_numbers

    HomeWork 1: A program to calculate the arithmetic mean of two numbers in C#. Focuses on input validation, modular methods, and simple arithmetic operations.

  • Kalyan767Z/Simple_Calculator

    HomeWork 3: A basic calculator in C# capable of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Includes error handling for invalid inputs and division by zero.

  • MoSalem149/calculator-web-app_CodeSoft-Level_1-Task_1-Project

    This project is a simple calculator web application created for CodeSoft Level 1 Task 1. It performs basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) and has a responsive design. The calculator supports both button clicks and keyboard inputs for a better user experience.

  • qtle3/bmi_calculator

    Calculate your Body Mass Index (BMI) by entering your weight and height. The Python program computes your BMI and tells you if you're within a healthy range, below it, or above it.

  • qtle3/boxing_weight_classes

    The Python Boxing Weight Classifier is a simple Python script that determines the appropriate Olympic boxing weight class based on the user's input weight (in pounds) and gender. It categorizes both men and women into their respective weight classes according to Olympic standards.

  • qtle3/change_counter

    This simple Python program calculates the total dollar value of a given number of quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The user is prompted to enter the count of each type of coin, and the program computes the total value in dollars.

  • shashwatb14/crazy_numbers

    šŸ”¢ Simple mental math game

  • Aditya0452/calc

    simple calculator

  • Allanotieno254Backup/calculator-using-php

    This PHP Calculator is a simple yet powerful tool for performing basic arithmetic operations. Built using PHP, it offers a user-friendly interface and efficient calculation capabilities. Whether you need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide, this calculator provides a reliable solution for your mathematical needs.

  • iiiiOreo/Modern-Calculator

    Simple modern calculator implemented in Python using Tkinter for basic arithmetic operations with a user-friendly interface, keyboard input support, and error handling.

  • JSONParseError69/calculator-app

    A simple JavaScript-based calculator with basic arithmetic operations, designed using object-oriented programming principles for clear and maintainable code.

  • khani12335/45-question-assignment

    I have done 45 question.

  • KPlanisphere/Android-Calculator-App

    Examen 1 - Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Moviles

  • KPlanisphere/Complex-Matrix-Operations-in-Java

    A Java project for performing operations on complex matrices, including basic arithmetic and matrix-specific operations, with utility methods and input handling for complex number matrices - Final Project for the Programmation 2 Course

  • nivasharmaa/PayMaster-Pro

    A Java program for calculating employee payroll based on hours worked, hourly pay rate, and tax withholding rates. Features user input handling, gross pay calculation, tax withholding computation, and net pay determination.

  • AllanOtieno254/calculator-using-php

    This PHP Calculator is a simple yet powerful tool for performing basic arithmetic operations. Built using PHP, it offers a user-friendly interface and efficient calculation capabilities. Whether you need to add, subtract, multiply, or divide, this calculator provides a reliable solution for your mathematical needs.

  • KPlanisphere/Rational-Matrix-and-Arithmetic-Operations-in-Java

    Proyecto 7 - ProgramaciĆ³n 2

  • KPlanisphere/Rational-Matrix-Operations-in-Java

    Proyecto 6 - ProgramaciĆ³n 2

  • KPlanisphere/Rational-Number-and-Matrix-Operations-in-Java

    Proyecto 8 - ProgramaciĆ³n 2

  • KPlanisphere/Rational-Number-Operations-in-Java

    Proyecto 3 - ProgramaciĆ³n 2

  • pranjalco/calculator-intermediate

    A calculator program for basic arithmetic operations (add, subtract, multiply, divide) with interactive functionality. It allows reusability by continuing with previous results or starting afresh. Features include a user-friendly interface, dynamic operation mapping using functions and dictionaries, and integration of a custom logo from ``.

  • RahemShakeel/Python-Projects

    A set of beginner-friendly Python projects for practicing essential programming skills, featuring tools like a tip calculator, BMI calculator, and more.

  • shuddha2021/SwiftCalc

    SwiftCalc - A modern and elegant calculator app for iOS, designed with SwiftUI for seamless user experience. Featuring basic arithmetic functions, clear display, and haptic feedback, SwiftCalc is your go-to tool for quick and accurate calculations.

  • Squirtle22/digitDash

    Digit Dash is a sleek and intuitive calculator built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It features both button and keyboard input, allowing users to perform basic arithmetic operations quickly and efficiently. Perfect for everyday calculations with a modern, user-friendly design.
