
There are 32 repositories under artifact-registry topic.

  • gcr-cleaner


    Delete untagged image refs in Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry

  • ahmetb/serverless-registry-proxy

    Serverless reverse proxy for exposing container registries (GCR, Docker Hub, Artifact Registry etc) on custom domains.

  • iterative/gto

    🏷️ Git Tag Ops. Turn your Git repository into Artifact Registry or Model Registry.

  • godatadriven/private-package-in-gcp-tutorial

    In this tutorial, we will register a package in GCP Artifact Registry both manually as well as with CICD. In the end, you will be able to install your own private package with pip just like you're used to.

  • Dancing-Code/om-lambda-publishing


  • demml/opsml

    A common interface for registering, validating and auditing machine learning artifacts

  • jeantardelli/build-a-docker-image-and-push-to-gcp

    This repo contains code that integrates a github actions workflow to build and push docker images to Google Cloud.

  • lurodrigo/lein-artifact-registry

    Plugin for using Google Artifact Registry with Leiningen.

  • OmarKhalil10/FloraVision

    "FloraVision" is a plant image classification app hosted on Google Cloud using Docker, Flask, and Kubernetes. It identifies plant species from images using machine learning models.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook2101
  • qassandrach/bmi-api

    Calculate health status based on Body Mass Index (BMI).

  • Ajordat/GCP-serverless-demo

    Repository explaining the deployment of a sample FastAPI application to Google Cloud Platform. It explains the transition from a local application until deployed into Cloud Run using Cloud Build and Artifact Registry. This is merely educational and I do it for fun.

  • jeantardelli/deploy-app-to-a-gke-cluster

    Code to deploy an app to a GKE cluster

  • OmarKhalil10/Text-Summarizer-Flask-API-On-Google-Cloud

    Deployment of a Text Summarizer Flask API to Google Cloud using Cloud Run, Terraform and GitHub Actions

  • parmus/registryindexer

    Indexer for container images registries

  • rgarlik/gcp-artifact-registry-template

    A sample project with a GitHub Action that builds a Dockerfile and pushes it to GCP Artifact Registry

  • ykerus/private-package-gcp

    Example package to register and install from a private GCP Artifact Registry.

  • ashishnagpal2498/Mikubon

    A microservice based application deployed using kubernetes on GCP cloud

  • geosentry/geocore

    Serverless Microservices for the GeoCore API, used internally for the core geospatial functionalities of the GeoSentry 🌍 Platform facilitated by the Terrarium package. The Services are built with Docker, stored on Artifact Registry, deployed on Cloud Run and discoverable with Service Directory.

  • malleswarigelli/NameEntityRecoginition

    Build an end to end pipeline for Named Entity Recognition (NER) by a pretrained Huggingface transformer, BERT and deploy to google cloud platform using Docker, CI/CD tool: CircleCI.

    Language:Jupyter Notebook00
  • SharadaShehan/3_Tier_Deployment_GKE

    Kubernetes manifests to deploy a flask application with nginx reverse proxy, redis cache and mysql database on Google Kubernetes Engine ensuring high availability and scalablility

  • Shreyjain203/Machine-Learning-Model-to-Production-Website-using-GKE

    An end-to-end ML model deployment pipeline on GCP: train in Cloud Shell, containerize with Docker, push to Artifact Registry, deploy on GKE, and build a basic frontend to interact through exposed endpoints. This showcases the benefits of containerized deployments, centralized image management, and automated orchestration using GCP tools.

  • sknups/authenticate-google-artifact-registry-action

    GitHub Action which invokes "npx google-artifactregistry-auth"

  • TheHackerApp/setup-artifact-registry

    Setup Google Cloud Artifact Registry access

  • Zain-Saiyed/Cloud-Native-GKE-CICD

    Explore microservices CI/CD on GKE, mastering containerization, Kubernetes orchestration using Docker, GCP tools (Source Repository, Cloud Build, GKE), and Terraform. This repository serves as a hands-on resource for learning RESTful APIs, navigating GKE clusters with persistent volumes, offering practical insights for modern deployment.

  • a-mt/gcp-gke-django

    Create a GCP Kubernetes cluster, docker registry, static ip, dns entry, certificate map, cloudsql db (using terraform)

  • a-mt/gcp-gke-flask

    Create a GCP Kubernetes cluster, docker registry (using gcloud or terraform)

  • AB-Rhman/GCP-Project

    This repository contains a simple example application built with Flask and deployed using Docker on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The deployment process is automated using Cloud Build and Cloud Build Triggers.

  • iht/beam-cloud-build-terraform

    The scripts in this repo will build the Apache Beam Java SDK packages, using Cloud Build and Artifact Registry, for a personal Beam fork.

  • mozilla-releng/mozilla-linux-pkg-manager

    mozilla-linux-pkg-manager is a tool for managing Linux packages stored GCP artifact registry.

  • TrilokiDA/Vertex-AI

    This repo explore the vertex ai component

  • yuyatinnefeld/gke-devops-demo

    🚀 Hands-On Project 🚀 | GCP DevOps Template (GKE+Cloudbuild+Artifact-Registry)
