
There are 196 repositories under artificial topic.

  • saharmor/dalle-playground

    A playground to generate images from any text prompt using Stable Diffusion (past: using DALL-E Mini)

  • Josh-XT/AGiXT

    AGiXT is a dynamic AI Agent Automation Platform that seamlessly orchestrates instruction management and complex task execution across diverse AI providers. Combining adaptive memory, smart features, and a versatile plugin system, AGiXT delivers efficient and comprehensive AI solutions.

  • DonTizi/ReMind

    Your Local Artificial Memory on your Device.

  • shramos/practical-ml-for-cybersecurity

    More than twenty practical cases with real datasets of application of Machine Learning to the field of Cybersecurity

    Language:Jupyter Notebook1309181
  • DanielBalsam/surv_ai

    A framework to empower forecasting using Large Language Models (LLMs)

  • GSimas/Deep-LearningAI

    🇦🇮 Deep Learning AI course on Coursera (Andrew Ng)

    Language:Jupyter Notebook719057
  • xluxeq/GPT2-Telegram-Chatbot

    GPT-2 Telegram Chat bot

  • CarsonScott/HSOM

    Hierarchical self-organizing maps for unsupervised pattern recognition

  • xluxeq/GPT3-Telegram-Chatbot

    OpenAI chatbot for Telegram using GPT-3.

  • Deep-Learning-Machine-Learning-AI-TensorFlow-Python


    🐍 A Collection of Notes for Learning & Understanding Deep Learning / Machine Learning / Artificial Intelligence (AI) with TensorFlow 🐍

  • marcocesarato/PHP-Malware-Collection

    Collection of php malware/backdoors/shell

  • exajobs/machine-learning-collection

    A collection of awesome Machine Learning software, libraries, Learning Tutorials, documents, books, resources and interesting stuff in ML

    Language:Jupyter Notebook251011
  • NHSDigital/artificial-data-generator

    Pipelines for generating large volumes of anonymous artificial data that share some of the characteristics of real NHS data

  • Percona-QA/gaai

    gaai - Genetic Algorithm Artificial Intelligence Database Performance Tuning

  • primaryobjects/genetic-programming

    Genetic programming for math equations with prefix expression trees.

  • victordibia/cocoafrica

    A Curation Tool and Dataset of Common Objects in the Context of Africa

  • AGiXT/python-sdk

    AGiXT is a dynamic AI Automation Platform that seamlessly orchestrates instruction management and complex task execution across diverse AI providers. Combining adaptive memory, smart features, and a versatile plugin system, AGiXT delivers efficient and comprehensive AI solutions.

  • vijayg15/Keras-FaceMask-Detection-System

    Face-mask detection system using YOLOv3 in Keras

  • Tolga1452/ai-prompts

    A collection of system prompts of AIs.

  • cchighman/PriusWatchML

    Complete proof of concept combining artificial intelligence, machine learning, and thousands of publicly available traffic cameras to place an entire city under surveillance with inference bots watching for a stolen car every single moment.

  • aaditkapoor/SigNet

    SigNet (Detecting Signature Similarity using Machine Learning/Deep Learning): Is this the end of Human Forensic Analysis?

    Language:Jupyter Notebook101010
  • Achiket123/chatbot

    Chatbot App using Gemini API This Flutter repository demonstrates a chatbot application integrating with the Gemini API. The app enables users to interact with a chatbot for various tasks, information retrieval, and handling queries.

  • ultimatepritam/Jarvis

    Jarvis Artificial Intelligence Project in Python

  • Pacman-Artificial-Intelligence


    Artificial Intelligence Assignments DIT UoA

  • smallbutfine/GuitarAmpModellingGUI

    GUI for easier installation and training of neural network models for guitar amplifiers and pedals, based on the GuitarML Proteus models. These are usable for Proteus, Chowdhury-DSP BYOD and even NeuralPi VST plugins, on all platforms incl. Linux and RaspberryPi.

  • andresz1/sobreai

    Descubre las últimas innovaciones en herramientas, sitios web y aplicaciones con Inteligencia Artificial

  • rubenandrebarreiro/gpu-cuda-self-organising-maps

    🧠 💡 📈 A project based in High Performance Computing. This project was built using CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), C++ (C Plus Plus), C, CMake and JetBrains CLion. The scenario of the project was a GPU-based implementation of the Self-Organising-Maps (S.O.M.) algorithm for Artificial Neural Networks (A.N.N.), with the support of CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture), using its offered parallel optimisations and tunings. The final goal of the project was to test the several GPU-based implementations of the algorithm against a given CPU-based implementation of the same algorithm and, evaluate and compare the overall performance (speedup, efficiency and cost).

  • iamraufu/BRACUCSE422

    Artificial Intelligence - Summer 2021

  • strawmanbobi/texas-poker-engine

    Dummy Texas Poker Engine open source edition

  • manauref/PMGsolver

    Parallel Multigrid solvers for Poisson, modified Helmholtz and implicit hyperdiffusion

  • NHSDigital/RAP_example_pipeline_python

    An example pipeline made in a RAP friendly way, using Python

  • prabhatnagarajan/dqn

    This repository contains a python implementation of a Deep Q-Network (DQN) for Atari gameplay using tensorflow.

  • primaryobjects/strips-fiddle

    An online editor for STRIPS AI planning with PDDL. Created with meteor.js.

  • yashpatel5400/DeepGIF

    Architectural style transfer using deep-learning. Implemented for Computer Vision 2016 (Princeton University) by Richard Du, Yash Patel, and Jason Shi

  • fazeelkhalid/AutoPlayer-Chess-With-Alpha-Beta-Pruning

    Game of chess has been a classic AI problem and these days there are several excellent open source implementations of automatic chess players are available on line. In this assignment we are going to make yet another FAST-chess player that will play chess using some well-established strategies along with MINIMAX to compute moves for a chess player. To complete this assignment you have been provided with an abstract base class called chessPlayer and two demo player classes named humanPlayer and autoPlayer. Along with these two class, another class, called gameState, is also provided that holds state of the game at any given time. The state of the chess at any given time consists of information about player turn (i.e. an enumeration called Color with a value of 1 means WHITE player will move and 0 means BLACK player will move) and an 8 x 8 chess board with chess pieces encoded as shown below.

  • TriadmanInit1/Janex-Python

    A free open-source framework which can be used to build interactive AIs.
